The PF Women Team at our Annual Team Retreat ~ 2018 Today on Seth Godin's blog, he said: It's tempting to decide to make a profit first, then invest in training, people, facilities, promotion, customer service and most of all, doing important work. In general, though, it goes the other way. Yes, it does. If you are waiting to make a profit before you do these things, in my experience you're not going to make a profit. So many organizations, ministries and churches are struggling with financial issues. I know your pain. As anyone who follows our story knows, our ministry was in a ton of debt four years ago when I came on as director. Since that time, we've gotten out of debt and turned a profit every year. God has done amazing things through out team, for which we give Him the glory! I find that what Seth is saying here is absolutely true, with one disclaimer. For Christian leaders, spiritual disciplines must always be first. Before we started i...
1) Set your cell phone alarm to go off at all times of the day and night and interrupt you. When it starts beeping, don't just turn it off. Stop what you are doing for at least an hour, and do something totally different that you didn't plan on at all. Come back later to the project you were working on before. Finish it even if you have to stay up until 2 am.
2) If you are just starting out, make sure to stock up on ramen noodles, easy mac, and peanut butter and jelly.
3) Ask a few people to follow you around all the time, and find out what you're doing, who you're doing it with, where your family is eating, and where you shop.
4) Install cameras everywhere to keep a watchful eye on everything your kids are doing 24/7 to report back to you.
5) Plan something that will take a tremendous amount of help to pull off. Delegate jobs to all your friends and but instruct them that what they are really going to do is call you at the last minute
6) If you are a man and your goal is to pastor a traditional church make sure your wife knows how to play the piano, and fry chicken.
7) If your goal is to pastor a contemporary church be sure to update your look to be as effective as possible on church advertisements. If you're a man, shave your head and get a pair of trendy glasses, jeans, and a crisp cotton long sleeved button down shirt. If you're a woman, get an outfit from somewhere like New York and Company and make over your hair in a style that requires a flat iron.
8) Invite your friends to call you up and email you at inopportune times, to
9) Start stopping by the local hospitals on your way home, and eat in the cafeteria just for fun.
10) Have your family members throw a bunch of bulletins, Sunday School papers, empty water bottles, an umbrella or two, and a bunch of other people's Bibles around your house. Schedule an event that evening at your house that requires it to be in perfect order. Make sure you will be the only one available to get it ready before that time. Clean it all up yourself and talk God while you're doing it.
These are just a few little starter exercises you can do to prepare yourself -- there are many more and perhaps I'll share them in days to come so stay tuned.

By the way, sometimes you can get a good deal on a big box of corn dogs to supplement the Easy Mac, PB&J, and ramen. A little protein and a little variety, together on a delightful wooden stick [true story!].
Anonymous - Posting a critical, negative comment to a blog post with which you disagree and not signing your name to it is immature and cowardly. The end.
This woman of God is NOTHING like you are saying. She is the most loving and supportive person I know. She is also the most genine and honest pastor/PW that I know of. She isn't afraid to share the good and the bad about ministry. She has been one of our biggest supporters and mentors! She has gone out of her way to help my husband and I in a variety of ways! She is not accusing anyone in her congregation in this post, she is making general statments. I have been to her church, have friends that attend there, and I LOVE IT! If we were living in the area and not pastoring our own church we would most definitely be attending there and coming under their spiritual authority.
What she is sharing here is simply the truth! If you are a Pastor, PW or PK you would understand where she is coming from.
Deanna is a dear friend and colleage. I love what she has to say in today's post, so much so that I made her a guest speaker on my blog. I have experienced everything she is stating here as a PW and find no offense to it.
Now, let me set the stage for what I want to say. I have been "in church" my entire life. I grew up the son of a board member and Sunday school teacher. I have served the church relentlessly as a member, in lay leadership and as a credential holder. I have held lay ministry, staff pastor, church planter and senior pastor positions. I only talk of myself to let you know I truly understand all sides of the ministry spectrum: lay person, leader, staff and pastor.
Now, to Deanna's thoughts. She speaks truth. The difference between the Shrodes and many other pastors is they say what everyone else thinks. So, if you sit under a pastor not as transparent, they are probably not as honest. I vote for transparent over fake, any day!
In my opinion, the world is looking for a real God who is revealed through real people living real lives. That "realness" sums up my 20 year experience with the Shrodes. And, kudos to them for being true to God and to themselves!
Now, onto Anonymous' comments. You need to understand that church members do not pay pastor's salaries. Church members pay tithes. According to the Word, that is God's money. In turn, God's church sets and pays pastoral salaries. Next, Deanna's comments did not "villify" anyone. They were honest and did not mention anyone by name. And, even if she did, it would not legally be considered slanderous if it were true. And based upon my experience, she was completely honest. If anything, she held back. In my opinion, you are the villain by suggesting Deanna restrict her right of free speech.
So, I am going to attempt to say this as gently as possible...Anonymous, be as transparent as the lady you are criticizing, grow a pair and reveal your identity. Or, keep your thoughts to yourself.
Anonymous: You are a real Jerk! I would love to know the extent of your lifetime involvment in ministry. I have grown up in ministy as a PK and I dispise people like you who think that if they give money to the church they can run it. well, there is a reason you are NOT the pastor!! God didn't put you there because you have an ugly heart and would lead people astray. If you haven't experienced ministy like Deanna and I have first hand I suggest you keep your mouth shut because you have NO idea what it takes to deal with people like YOU!!!
Thats all. I love you Momma D!!
trying to politely say
"No we DO NOT want to take home your leftovers after the covered dish suppers" and
"There is no way on earth the bag of old worn out clothes that you no longer want will become the wardrobe of our family!"
(Oh...I admit it...I have PK issues!) LOL ;)
I agree with you on the worn out stuff..."I have this here broken/faded/holey/malfunctioning item that I can't use. I wonder if the church or pastor could use it?"
My last church had three BROKEN microwaves in our kitchen at one point - I kid you not!
How dare you say those things and you don't even sign your name...cowardly!!! You have no idea what you are talking about and I can attest as being raised in a pastor's home...everyone of those points are the exact things a person must do to be prepared for the ministry!!! It is a thankless job that can only be filled by someone who's called by God and is willing to do everyone of those things without a moments notice and still keep a smile on their face and deal with people like you that don't have a clue as to what pastors endure every day! The stress is more than anyone can ever imagine and if it wasn't for a few faithful friends and members of the church that never cease to encourage, along with the grace God gives them, there is no way a pastor could survive! You have no clue as to what Pastor Deanna does every day...she truely is called by God and SUPERWOMAN!!!
Let's see....wife,lover,Gormet Chef, party planner,mother,mentor encourager,counselor,smiler,hardworker, focused and not allowed to let anyone other then her husband, see her sweat!!!
I love you Pastor one can ever know how hard, but rewarding the Job of Pastor..&(Pastor's wife)is. It is a privilege to know you and know that you are called by God and you have chosen to follow the leading of God in your life!!! You are awesome!!! You have so many friends that stand by you and will fight for you!!! The steps of a good man (woman) are ordered of the are right where you should be!!! Your time is coming!