1) The district credential renewal fee has now been abolished. Give me a shout up here in this blog! :-) lol
2) Pastor Ed Russo was voted in as assistant superintendent! Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely could not be happier about this. And everyone I am friends with is thrilled about it, and can't stop talking about how fantastic it is.
Yesterday we had a great women 's luncheon and Maria brought a fantastic message on synergy. Last night was Pastor Betzer's last message as asst. supt and he was excellent as usual. I will miss his messages at council greatly but look forward to what is to come in other ways. The fact is, I tape his weekly messages on TV each week and listen to them so I will still have a weekly Betzer fix. :-) ha ha!
We had dinner before service and dessert afterwards with friends and so enjoyed the time and came back to our hotel way too late but it was worth it to connect and spend time encouraging one another and sharing. This morning is the wisdom conference and three people I just think the world of are all speaking, which I'm very much looking forward to. (Pastor Max Yeary, Marsha Woolley (district WM director) and Pastor Russ Jones.) We'll be greatly inspired, I'm sure.
Ruth, PA
Oh, well - the weather's getting nice here again, so I won't be getting the [usual!] urge to move south until around January of 2010 :o).