I started out with life coaching this morning and it was a great time as usual. I love my ladies! And what a great group of them I have this year. I taught on time management this morning. (ha! and my work still isn't all done today. I'm a work in progress, what can I say?)
Savanna and Britney were playing together at the church during life coaching, and wanted to do a sleepover at our house so I said yes, as I do say yes whenever I can. We came home and worked all day on much cooking and cleaning and also getting ready for our leadership meeting tomorrow night, which is going to be our most important one EVER. Can't share any of the details yet but trust me on this, it's BIG! I can't wait.
I was very busy all afternoon and evening doing more cleaning, weeding, clothes for church tomorrow. Somehow in between all that made Sunday's dinner and got the table set. (Tom and Cathy are coming over for lunch and to help us with some more stuff on the house Sunday afternoon including our new dimmer switches...among other stuff. It's always somethin'!) Amidst that I also made tonight's dinner of butter baked chicken and other stuff alongside it. Savanna requested it and has been craving it this past week so that's what we had. I try my best to get it to taste like Cracker Barrel's special. Mmmmm...so good.
I'm exhausted...time to give Teeby some love and then shut my eyes and go to sleep. Finally...
you are the busy bee. I'm exhausted just reading all you did yesterday! Where do you get all your energy from? I know you are quiet a bit younger than me.....
I might want to give a disclaimer: "don't try this at home." ha ha