The PF Women Team at our Annual Team Retreat ~ 2018 Today on Seth Godin's blog, he said: It's tempting to decide to make a profit first, then invest in training, people, facilities, promotion, customer service and most of all, doing important work. In general, though, it goes the other way. Yes, it does. If you are waiting to make a profit before you do these things, in my experience you're not going to make a profit. So many organizations, ministries and churches are struggling with financial issues. I know your pain. As anyone who follows our story knows, our ministry was in a ton of debt four years ago when I came on as director. Since that time, we've gotten out of debt and turned a profit every year. God has done amazing things through out team, for which we give Him the glory! I find that what Seth is saying here is absolutely true, with one disclaimer. For Christian leaders, spiritual disciplines must always be first. Before we started i...
This is the seventh post in the message preparation series that I've been asked to do here by a friend. If you missed the previous six posts, just scroll back or go to the "Preaching" tab here on the blog.
Today I want to tell you something important about delivery, and that is that all of the sane people out there are for you. That might sound really strange, but I really must take time to say this. The normal people who are sitting there listening are for you. I know some of you are really discouraged right now because you're thinking, "Um, Deanna, do you know how many insane, irregular, and dysfunctional people that I know?" :)
Okay, besides them.
One of the most important points that I can possibly make to lots of you out there who are feeling the call to preach but are nervous is that a majority of people are for you. Yes, I know "God is a majority". But I'm telling you as sure as I'm sitting here that MOST people who hear you are also for you and they are desperately wanting to be fed.
They want hope.
They want empowerment.
They want your message to make a difference in their lives.
They aren't waiting for you to mess up.
They aren't waiting to laugh at you.
They don't show up waiting to criticize.
Some of you who are reading this have just been asked for the first time to teach a class, or preach at a conference, or share at your women's ministries group. And you are thinking that this is something you've really been sensing the call to do but you are scared out of your mind. When you get up in front of those people keep in mind that they could be at a lot of other places. They could be at the mall or doing their laundry or going out to eat, but for some reason, they are sitting there in front of you. The majority of those people are not sitting there with ill will, nor did they choose to come to make fun of you. Seriously, all the normal people are waaayyyyyy too busy for that! They came because they really need a word. So, give it to them!
The sane people who are sitting there are really wanting to see you succeed.
What if you are preaching in an insane church? Well who cares. How much damage can you do in a church that's already crazy?
Be encouraged, and go for it! Leave everything you've got on the platform!
As for the insane people? Don't fret over them. You're not the only one who knows that something is wrong with them. Don't focus on the few who may think or speak something negative. Hone in on those who have come with hungry hearts, waiting for you to feed them.
I am going to cover more about delivery later, but I just had to say this first because it's been one of the most important things to me over the years. The Lord first spoke this to my heart when I started out in my twenties and it's served me very well all this time. Every time I stand in front of a group, before I start to speak, I think to myself, "these people are for me, and they want to hear what I have to say."
Today I want to tell you something important about delivery, and that is that all of the sane people out there are for you. That might sound really strange, but I really must take time to say this. The normal people who are sitting there listening are for you. I know some of you are really discouraged right now because you're thinking, "Um, Deanna, do you know how many insane, irregular, and dysfunctional people that I know?" :)
Okay, besides them.
One of the most important points that I can possibly make to lots of you out there who are feeling the call to preach but are nervous is that a majority of people are for you. Yes, I know "God is a majority". But I'm telling you as sure as I'm sitting here that MOST people who hear you are also for you and they are desperately wanting to be fed.
They want hope.
They want empowerment.
They want your message to make a difference in their lives.
They aren't waiting for you to mess up.
They aren't waiting to laugh at you.
They don't show up waiting to criticize.
Some of you who are reading this have just been asked for the first time to teach a class, or preach at a conference, or share at your women's ministries group. And you are thinking that this is something you've really been sensing the call to do but you are scared out of your mind. When you get up in front of those people keep in mind that they could be at a lot of other places. They could be at the mall or doing their laundry or going out to eat, but for some reason, they are sitting there in front of you. The majority of those people are not sitting there with ill will, nor did they choose to come to make fun of you. Seriously, all the normal people are waaayyyyyy too busy for that! They came because they really need a word. So, give it to them!
The sane people who are sitting there are really wanting to see you succeed.
What if you are preaching in an insane church? Well who cares. How much damage can you do in a church that's already crazy?
Be encouraged, and go for it! Leave everything you've got on the platform!
As for the insane people? Don't fret over them. You're not the only one who knows that something is wrong with them. Don't focus on the few who may think or speak something negative. Hone in on those who have come with hungry hearts, waiting for you to feed them.
I am going to cover more about delivery later, but I just had to say this first because it's been one of the most important things to me over the years. The Lord first spoke this to my heart when I started out in my twenties and it's served me very well all this time. Every time I stand in front of a group, before I start to speak, I think to myself, "these people are for me, and they want to hear what I have to say."
