The PF Women Team at our Annual Team Retreat ~ 2018 Today on Seth Godin's blog, he said: It's tempting to decide to make a profit first, then invest in training, people, facilities, promotion, customer service and most of all, doing important work. In general, though, it goes the other way. Yes, it does. If you are waiting to make a profit before you do these things, in my experience you're not going to make a profit. So many organizations, ministries and churches are struggling with financial issues. I know your pain. As anyone who follows our story knows, our ministry was in a ton of debt four years ago when I came on as director. Since that time, we've gotten out of debt and turned a profit every year. God has done amazing things through out team, for which we give Him the glory! I find that what Seth is saying here is absolutely true, with one disclaimer. For Christian leaders, spiritual disciplines must always be first. Before we started i...
I'm gearing up this weekend to begin my new Sunday morning teaching series in the Sanctuary Class -- it's called, "Jesus in the Workplace" and it's a five week teaching:
October 3 ~ "Take This Job and Love It!"
God's ultimate design for work
October 10 ~ "From Ordinary to Extraordinary"
Did you know that it takes so little to be above average?! Yeah, it's crazy how little you have to do to be a cut above.
October 17 ~ "You want me to do WHAT?!"
Honoring leadership in the workplace; Also covering the subject of working for or with a difficult person
October 24 ~ "Teamwork makes the Dreamwork"
Developing great interpersonal skills, learning from the Master Himself!
October 31 ~ "The Marketplace: Your Missionfield"
Fulfilling your call to be a history maker and world changer.
If you are a Celebrater, I highly encourage you to be there on Sunday mornings at 9:30 for this series. The way class is structured, I teach, however we take questions and comments throughout the entire class. I believe this will be one of our best series yet.
October 3 ~ "Take This Job and Love It!"
God's ultimate design for work
October 10 ~ "From Ordinary to Extraordinary"
Did you know that it takes so little to be above average?! Yeah, it's crazy how little you have to do to be a cut above.
October 17 ~ "You want me to do WHAT?!"
Honoring leadership in the workplace; Also covering the subject of working for or with a difficult person
October 24 ~ "Teamwork makes the Dreamwork"
Developing great interpersonal skills, learning from the Master Himself!
October 31 ~ "The Marketplace: Your Missionfield"
Fulfilling your call to be a history maker and world changer.
If you are a Celebrater, I highly encourage you to be there on Sunday mornings at 9:30 for this series. The way class is structured, I teach, however we take questions and comments throughout the entire class. I believe this will be one of our best series yet.
