The PF Women Team at our Annual Team Retreat ~ 2018 Today on Seth Godin's blog, he said: It's tempting to decide to make a profit first, then invest in training, people, facilities, promotion, customer service and most of all, doing important work. In general, though, it goes the other way. Yes, it does. If you are waiting to make a profit before you do these things, in my experience you're not going to make a profit. So many organizations, ministries and churches are struggling with financial issues. I know your pain. As anyone who follows our story knows, our ministry was in a ton of debt four years ago when I came on as director. Since that time, we've gotten out of debt and turned a profit every year. God has done amazing things through out team, for which we give Him the glory! I find that what Seth is saying here is absolutely true, with one disclaimer. For Christian leaders, spiritual disciplines must always be first. Before we started i...
Yesterday was a great day at Celebration. We had several who came to Jesus at our altars, including a friend I invited named Eric. Candy and I have been ministering through facebook to Eric for about four months now. We met him when he sold me a bed. Candy was with me when I purchased it and Eric was the salesman. We have kept up with him all this time and shared with him on facebook and yesterday he came to Celebration Church, walked down the aisle and accepted Jesus and then went to lunch with us afterwards at Acropolis. What a lovely day!
Last night was our leaders meeting. Along with a fantastic time of sharing dinner together, and our insights and praise reports of what God is doing at CC, I shared some thoughts with our leaders and we had a time of prayer together. I thought I'd take time to share here some major points from my talk last night that those who are leaders might find we go...
Leadership talk ~ August 29, 2010
People respond to different personalities so it’s important that we all reach out.
Today Candy and I had the privilege along with our families of taking our friend out to lunch who came to Jesus this morning. He thanked me over and over again this afternoon – can’t wait to come back Wednesday night. People are looking for an approachable leader. Being approachable is actually approaching others. People are waiting for us to come to them.
Last night was our leaders meeting. Along with a fantastic time of sharing dinner together, and our insights and praise reports of what God is doing at CC, I shared some thoughts with our leaders and we had a time of prayer together. I thought I'd take time to share here some major points from my talk last night that those who are leaders might find we go...
Leadership talk ~ August 29, 2010
It's said that leadership is influence. I would submit to you that it's influence in the right manner if we are talking about Godly leadership. Keep in mind, Hitler was a leader.
What is Jesus looking for from us in leadership?
Sometimes we learn how but we forget why. Why do we lead? As Christians leaders it's because we love. Or at least, it should be for that reason. Leadership is lovingly influencing others. It's influencing others when you are irritated, when you have issues, when your patience is tried.
People have issues and they are going to come in here with even more issues and as leaders we are called to lovingly lead. Some of you are scared to lead and you think, "me?? I've got issues myself and I'm gonna lovingly lead these people?" Well, let's talk about that. I wake up most days wondering when everybody's gonna figure out that I don't know what I'm doing.
First, just love people. (Love covers a multitude of sins!) And as far as us as leaders discipling and training them, remember, to teach people you only have to be one lesson ahead of them!
What about when you "go through stuff?" Should leaders lead even when they are going through stuff? Absolutely. Who isn't going through stuff? I'm going through stuff every single day and I'm still leading. So call me crazy. I went through stuff yesterday, I went through stuff today, I'll go through stuff tomorrow. And I'm still standing, still leading. In my weakness, He is strong.
Having issues isn't a reason to quit leading. Being emotional isn't a reason to quit. Listen, EMOTIONS ARE TERRIBLE LEADERS!
STABILIZE in the midst of your trial – lean on the rock, call friends to intercede. I intercede my way through my life. Sometimes I have to call on my friends to intercede with me when I am too weak to do it by myself.
Now let’s get back to how to lovingly lead others…
Leaders care about others…somebody lacking in foundational character for leadership for such shows up at an event and says, “what are THEY going to serve me at this event? What’s in it for ME?
A leader thinks, “okay, let’s get to work – what’s the first thing we’re going to do to help these people? Will this take a supernatural miracle or has God has asked me to do something in the natural?”
A follower thinks, “what’s happening for me?”
A leader thinks, “what’s in this that I can use to impact others?”
The world thinks we're crazy and surely some Christians even think we're crazy for how much we give in leadership. People without a leadership mentality (or calling) would never understand it. Why do we come here not once but several times a week? Why do we show up so early to set up? Stay late to clean up? Make phone calls? Pick people up? Serve, serve and serve some more? Your family or friends may say, "why do you do that? The church is 'using you'!" Hmmm...that's a natural perspective for someone not possessing a leadership calling. For us this isn't like a bowling league or the PTA. We are in the business of life changes...we are doing Kingdom work that will outlast us and affect all eternity. "You're too good for that..." they say. Really? Well, that's interesting considering aside from the grace and mercy of God we all deserve hell and damnation and our righteousness is as filthy rags...are we really "too good for this?" None of us are too good to serve in any capacity. We have eternity in our hearts which is why we do what we do. This is about our core values but goes far beyond that. We serve because we have a passion for what God has a passion for. Working together we achieve the dream God has for this place. Back to leaders vs. followers...
The world thinks we're crazy and surely some Christians even think we're crazy for how much we give in leadership. People without a leadership mentality (or calling) would never understand it. Why do we come here not once but several times a week? Why do we show up so early to set up? Stay late to clean up? Make phone calls? Pick people up? Serve, serve and serve some more? Your family or friends may say, "why do you do that? The church is 'using you'!" Hmmm...that's a natural perspective for someone not possessing a leadership calling. For us this isn't like a bowling league or the PTA. We are in the business of life changes...we are doing Kingdom work that will outlast us and affect all eternity. "You're too good for that..." they say. Really? Well, that's interesting considering aside from the grace and mercy of God we all deserve hell and damnation and our righteousness is as filthy rags...are we really "too good for this?" None of us are too good to serve in any capacity. We have eternity in our hearts which is why we do what we do. This is about our core values but goes far beyond that. We serve because we have a passion for what God has a passion for. Working together we achieve the dream God has for this place. Back to leaders vs. followers...
A follower just sits where they want to and doesn’t concern themselves with anything else around them.
A leader gets the pulse of the room…looks for the one that isn’t connected yet…
Let’s look to Jesus for leadership --
Zaccheus – nobody wanted to eat lunch with…Jesus did.
Leaders go the second mile to connect.
(There are no traffic jams on the second mile!)
People respond to different personalities so it’s important that we all reach out.
Today Candy and I had the privilege along with our families of taking our friend out to lunch who came to Jesus this morning. He thanked me over and over again this afternoon – can’t wait to come back Wednesday night. People are looking for an approachable leader. Being approachable is actually approaching others. People are waiting for us to come to them.
In Wal-mart – you are a leader.
At the post office – you are a leader.
At your job you are a leader even if you are not the boss at your work.
You are on the scene as God's agent and you can walk in the mantle He has placed upon your life and declare, "God has sent me to help you." Then, DO IT. Walk in the anointing and fulfill your purpose.
