The PF Women Team at our Annual Team Retreat ~ 2018 Today on Seth Godin's blog, he said: It's tempting to decide to make a profit first, then invest in training, people, facilities, promotion, customer service and most of all, doing important work. In general, though, it goes the other way. Yes, it does. If you are waiting to make a profit before you do these things, in my experience you're not going to make a profit. So many organizations, ministries and churches are struggling with financial issues. I know your pain. As anyone who follows our story knows, our ministry was in a ton of debt four years ago when I came on as director. Since that time, we've gotten out of debt and turned a profit every year. God has done amazing things through out team, for which we give Him the glory! I find that what Seth is saying here is absolutely true, with one disclaimer. For Christian leaders, spiritual disciplines must always be first. Before we started i...
Tonight is Jordan's farewell party. If you are just tuning in here on the blog, let me bring you up to speed -- he leaves Tuesday for the Air Force. He will be at boot camp in San Antonio, TX for the next eight and a half weeks, then tech school after that, and then he will be stationed somewhere. Yep, he's officially growing up. After getting back from Naples I've been busy getting everything ready for the farewell party. There are so many people who have RSVP'd to come. I'm a little concerned about parking and space, but trying not to think about it too hard. Actually I'm trying not to think of anything too much right now concerning him leaving. :) I don't know whether to avoid it or fully embrace the emotions and just deal with them. This is the first time I've ever had a kid move out, let alone go into the military and off to boot camp and God knows where from there. Okay, that's enough thinking about that for's about all I can handle at any given moment to think about it for about five minutes. Back to the party plan...
I've been busy cooking and cleaning. My house hasn't had a good cleaning for a while and this will be the last one before I go to Africa. The next week is INSANE with all I have to get ready to go. (Please pray!) I have to get everything lined up for the actual trip, and things squared away for here while I'm gone. This is more than anyone would ever imagine. If I think about it too hard it overwhelms me so I don't look at the full scope of it and just deal with what's in front of me at the time.
As far as cooking for tonight I've been making my famous chicken salad, crab puffs, crab dip, artichoke dip, meatballs, and more. All "favs" that our friends and fam just love. Speaking of my recipes, lots of people ask for them, in fact usually so many I have a hard time keeping up with emailing them out. Sorry if you are somebody I haven't answered. I sometimes lose emails here and there in the shuffle when I have a lot of them piled up. It's a casualty of living at this jammed intersection of family/ministry/career and what not.
If you are interested in receiving one of my recipes week, as well as my weekly ezine devotional, you can go here and sign up for my "cup of coffee" ezine. I've been doing this for nine years and have lots of subscribers who enjoy receiving this in their email box on Wednesday mornings. Each week I share a devotional as well as a recipe. This started out as something just for my church women however since so many of them forwarded it on it's grown and become much more. Once you go to the church website, scroll down where it asks you to put your email address in to sign up for the newsletters. It will take you to the spot to sign up for the cup of coffee as well as any of our other church newsletters. Please note that the recipes I post each week are not just "random" - they are all tried and true ones that our family enjoys.
Ta ta for to do more cooking and cleaning. And by the way, this morning I'm making a trip first thing to the St. Luke's Eye Institute for my follow up! Hopefully I'll be wearing contacts and make up to the party tonight!!!
I've been busy cooking and cleaning. My house hasn't had a good cleaning for a while and this will be the last one before I go to Africa. The next week is INSANE with all I have to get ready to go. (Please pray!) I have to get everything lined up for the actual trip, and things squared away for here while I'm gone. This is more than anyone would ever imagine. If I think about it too hard it overwhelms me so I don't look at the full scope of it and just deal with what's in front of me at the time.
As far as cooking for tonight I've been making my famous chicken salad, crab puffs, crab dip, artichoke dip, meatballs, and more. All "favs" that our friends and fam just love. Speaking of my recipes, lots of people ask for them, in fact usually so many I have a hard time keeping up with emailing them out. Sorry if you are somebody I haven't answered. I sometimes lose emails here and there in the shuffle when I have a lot of them piled up. It's a casualty of living at this jammed intersection of family/ministry/career and what not.
If you are interested in receiving one of my recipes week, as well as my weekly ezine devotional, you can go here and sign up for my "cup of coffee" ezine. I've been doing this for nine years and have lots of subscribers who enjoy receiving this in their email box on Wednesday mornings. Each week I share a devotional as well as a recipe. This started out as something just for my church women however since so many of them forwarded it on it's grown and become much more. Once you go to the church website, scroll down where it asks you to put your email address in to sign up for the newsletters. It will take you to the spot to sign up for the cup of coffee as well as any of our other church newsletters. Please note that the recipes I post each week are not just "random" - they are all tried and true ones that our family enjoys.
Ta ta for to do more cooking and cleaning. And by the way, this morning I'm making a trip first thing to the St. Luke's Eye Institute for my follow up! Hopefully I'll be wearing contacts and make up to the party tonight!!!
