The PF Women Team at our Annual Team Retreat ~ 2018 Today on Seth Godin's blog, he said: It's tempting to decide to make a profit first, then invest in training, people, facilities, promotion, customer service and most of all, doing important work. In general, though, it goes the other way. Yes, it does. If you are waiting to make a profit before you do these things, in my experience you're not going to make a profit. So many organizations, ministries and churches are struggling with financial issues. I know your pain. As anyone who follows our story knows, our ministry was in a ton of debt four years ago when I came on as director. Since that time, we've gotten out of debt and turned a profit every year. God has done amazing things through out team, for which we give Him the glory! I find that what Seth is saying here is absolutely true, with one disclaimer. For Christian leaders, spiritual disciplines must always be first. Before we started i...
There are times we feel trapped and we can't see a way out, over, or under. But God can pull a solution out of NOWHERE and solve it in two seconds flat. He did that for me yesterday.
Less than two weeks ago I was praying with two friends for a miracle I needed. I really did not see any way that this would be possible at least not in the short term, but on my way home from a trip to the doctor's in Sarasota yesterday, a friend called and basically said, "I'm giving you a miracle.." I was shocked to say the least.
But why was I shocked? I guess it was like the early church when they were praying for Peter to be released from prison and when he showed up and knocked at the door they simply coudn't believe it was him! Isn't it so funny how we pray for miracles and then we're shocked when God does them? Man, we need to stop being shocked! That's just the God we serve. He is abso-freakin-lutely amazing!
So, here's the most important thing on my mind right now. Tomorrow morning at 8 am, I'm having a test and if you are reading this today I need you to pray for me. I don't care whether you like me, hate me or are indifferent about me. In fact if you don't like me and you pray for me, God will bless you even more because that's what He says in His Word will happen if you pray for your enemy. I'm serious, you get an amazing blessing in that case, so if you don't like me, drop and give 30 minutes of prayer in my honor right now...ready, set go...!!!!" I know, I're thinking, "what's not to love?!!" LOL
Okay seriously, I've referred in general terms to some things here on the blog but not anything detailed. It's a long story but to put it concisely, recently I had my yearly physical which included a crp blood test. This is a predictor for heart issues, however at times it can also be inflammation. An acceptable score for a crp test is a 2 or 3. Mine was a 9!!! My doctor actually asked me to stay home from the Africa trip. No way in Hades am I doing that. Seriously. This is nothing but a trick of the devil and I will not be deterred. It's not just a trick to keep me from going to Africa but a distraction designed to spoil my time with Jordan before he leaves for boot camp, to take me away from the joy of my family and an incredibly special person who will be visiting me next week!!! (More about this in posts to come!!!) The devil is SUCH A LIAR. I hate him and he is going to be sorry he ever decided to mess with me because I'm getting ready to jack him up with my Holy Ghost Uzi. Seriously.
Since the physical I've been very vigilant about my health, and have eaten properly and lost 12 pounds already. I've been on a low fat diet that is also designed to bring a crp number down as well as taking vitamins for the same as well as seeing a doctor in Sarasota for alternative (natural) treatments. I have been in pain however I have been believing that it is not heart issues and is inflammation that we are dealing with. God can heal that too of course and I believe He is. In fact, my good friend Pastor Sandy Phinazee gave me a word when we were in Jacksonville that I would be "healed as I went."
I need to leave for Africa on June 1 being WHOLE and WELL. My mind needs to be clear in the days ahead in preparing messages and getting in gear to go. My body needs to be strong for the trip -- it's a demanding one, and I give every ounce I've got and don't plan on changing that now. By the way, Becca has raised her support and will be accompanying me on this trip! It's going to be LIFE CHANGING for me, for her, and for everyone we touch. I can't wait.
Yeah, I said I was putting it concise, but when have I ever really stuck to that? LOL Here's the point -- pray for an amazing stress test tomorrow morning at 8 am. When the amazing result comes, I promise not to be shocked! I know God too well by now to be shocked. It's just what He does!
Less than two weeks ago I was praying with two friends for a miracle I needed. I really did not see any way that this would be possible at least not in the short term, but on my way home from a trip to the doctor's in Sarasota yesterday, a friend called and basically said, "I'm giving you a miracle.." I was shocked to say the least.
But why was I shocked? I guess it was like the early church when they were praying for Peter to be released from prison and when he showed up and knocked at the door they simply coudn't believe it was him! Isn't it so funny how we pray for miracles and then we're shocked when God does them? Man, we need to stop being shocked! That's just the God we serve. He is abso-freakin-lutely amazing!
So, here's the most important thing on my mind right now. Tomorrow morning at 8 am, I'm having a test and if you are reading this today I need you to pray for me. I don't care whether you like me, hate me or are indifferent about me. In fact if you don't like me and you pray for me, God will bless you even more because that's what He says in His Word will happen if you pray for your enemy. I'm serious, you get an amazing blessing in that case, so if you don't like me, drop and give 30 minutes of prayer in my honor right now...ready, set go...!!!!" I know, I're thinking, "what's not to love?!!" LOL
Okay seriously, I've referred in general terms to some things here on the blog but not anything detailed. It's a long story but to put it concisely, recently I had my yearly physical which included a crp blood test. This is a predictor for heart issues, however at times it can also be inflammation. An acceptable score for a crp test is a 2 or 3. Mine was a 9!!! My doctor actually asked me to stay home from the Africa trip. No way in Hades am I doing that. Seriously. This is nothing but a trick of the devil and I will not be deterred. It's not just a trick to keep me from going to Africa but a distraction designed to spoil my time with Jordan before he leaves for boot camp, to take me away from the joy of my family and an incredibly special person who will be visiting me next week!!! (More about this in posts to come!!!) The devil is SUCH A LIAR. I hate him and he is going to be sorry he ever decided to mess with me because I'm getting ready to jack him up with my Holy Ghost Uzi. Seriously.
Since the physical I've been very vigilant about my health, and have eaten properly and lost 12 pounds already. I've been on a low fat diet that is also designed to bring a crp number down as well as taking vitamins for the same as well as seeing a doctor in Sarasota for alternative (natural) treatments. I have been in pain however I have been believing that it is not heart issues and is inflammation that we are dealing with. God can heal that too of course and I believe He is. In fact, my good friend Pastor Sandy Phinazee gave me a word when we were in Jacksonville that I would be "healed as I went."
I need to leave for Africa on June 1 being WHOLE and WELL. My mind needs to be clear in the days ahead in preparing messages and getting in gear to go. My body needs to be strong for the trip -- it's a demanding one, and I give every ounce I've got and don't plan on changing that now. By the way, Becca has raised her support and will be accompanying me on this trip! It's going to be LIFE CHANGING for me, for her, and for everyone we touch. I can't wait.
Yeah, I said I was putting it concise, but when have I ever really stuck to that? LOL Here's the point -- pray for an amazing stress test tomorrow morning at 8 am. When the amazing result comes, I promise not to be shocked! I know God too well by now to be shocked. It's just what He does!

{{{{{Hugs to you!!}}}