The PF Women Team at our Annual Team Retreat ~ 2018 Today on Seth Godin's blog, he said: It's tempting to decide to make a profit first, then invest in training, people, facilities, promotion, customer service and most of all, doing important work. In general, though, it goes the other way. Yes, it does. If you are waiting to make a profit before you do these things, in my experience you're not going to make a profit. So many organizations, ministries and churches are struggling with financial issues. I know your pain. As anyone who follows our story knows, our ministry was in a ton of debt four years ago when I came on as director. Since that time, we've gotten out of debt and turned a profit every year. God has done amazing things through out team, for which we give Him the glory! I find that what Seth is saying here is absolutely true, with one disclaimer. For Christian leaders, spiritual disciplines must always be first. Before we started i...
I am leaving at the crack of dawn this morning to go to speak today and tomorrow at the All Church Ministries Conference in Lakeland, FL. The topic I've been assigned to teach on is..."Me, My Husband, God & Sex" subtitle: "The Sexually Confident Woman."
I love to teach on a wide variety of subjects, but a great deal of the time I get asked to speak on this, in many different venues, and Larry and I do marriage conferences together. I have written a book on this subject, (The Intimate Woman) however, I've also written a ton of other stuff. But, people just eat up the sex message. They devour it like candy and ask for it over and over. Go figure! You would almost think God Himself thought up this whole sex idea...hhhmmm amazing.
I love to teach on a wide variety of subjects, but a great deal of the time I get asked to speak on this, in many different venues, and Larry and I do marriage conferences together. I have written a book on this subject, (The Intimate Woman) however, I've also written a ton of other stuff. But, people just eat up the sex message. They devour it like candy and ask for it over and over. Go figure! You would almost think God Himself thought up this whole sex idea...hhhmmm amazing.
So the year before last when they asked me to teach, I inquired about whether another topic would be possible and spoke on time management and mentoring. I was just ready for a change. It gets tiring being know as "the sex lady, literally and figuratively. You really know you are making quite a name for yourself teaching on this subject when you have strangers come up to you in public places months or years later and tell you "since I attended your seminar last year I finally experienced [you fill in the blank here]." Two years ago when I preached at the Inspire Conference in Orlando, a woman came running up and said, "Let me show you what you're responsible for!!!" and she proceeded to take a photo out of her purse and wave it at me...of a newborn baby. Wow, to think that I'm

So there I was at this conference, recommending colors of undergarments based upon one's skin tone so as to accentuate the positive and the women just seemed to love the suggestions. Fast forward about a year later when I was speaking at another conference and my assistant and I were in the elevator of the hotel, getting ready to check into our room. A
So when I taught on time management and mentoring I went alone and Larry stayed back at the church and worked. This time when I'm teaching on sex again, he couldn't wait decided to go with me and booked a hotel instead of having us drive back and forth. I'm sure he's hoping the teacher will make sure all the illustrations for Saturday's class are accurate and user friendly. A good teacher is always prepared. I have my Bible, my notes, colored panties. TMI? Hey people, why do you think they ask ME to teach this class??! The person who has the nerve to say "panties" OUT LOUD in front of huge groups of people among other things that makes panties pale in comparion, gets to teach the class on sex.
You are SO right about the white panties on extremely pasty individuals - my husband would never say it out loud, but I am not blind, deaf and mute ;o).
Leanne and Lori, I'm there. All it takes is an invite. I'm the easiest person you've EVER worked with, I promise. I'd love to come.