Along with the three projects I managed to get a ton of other things in today. First of all (drum roll please) LARRY AND I HAD A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would you believe this is the first time in almost two months?! (I am talking a date by ourselves, not going out in a big group or anything like that.) For two people who usually spend a lot of "couple time" this has been a very long stretch of not having time together. We have been consumed with work things, and kid things. It's hard to explain some things we've gone through the past few months...all I'll say is, other things have demanded our attention to extreme. It was nice to sit and have dinner together tonight and talk without anybody interrupting us. The phone didn't even ring once while we ate. It was a MIRACLE, I tell you, a total MIRACLE!!!
In addition to my three surprise projects, and our date, I...
Did three loads of clothes
Re-potted/planted four plants
Had a dentist appointment (x-rays, exam, cleaning) No cavities! Yeah! =]

Went grocery shopping
Picked up Maddie's food and some pigs ears for her at Petsmart.
Did some cleaning at the house that Savanna wasn't able to do yesterday
Checked and answered work mail for NJ. My total email between pastoring/ministry, career coaching, writing, and other personal e-mail I receive can amount to several hundred emails a day. This is why at times I feel overwhelmed when it comes to answering my e-mail in a timely fashion but I try to give everyone an answer by 24 hours. If you have ever had a delay in hearing from me, now you know why. :)
Time for sleep. I'm leading life coaching in the morning, and then working on the surprise most of the rest of the day.
It's almost here...