I can't think of any sorrow in the world that a hot bath
wouldn't help, just a little bit.”
~ Susan Glasee
I'm officially back on the wagon again. Yep. Back to counting WW points strictly again and working out at our new fitness center in our development. It's an uphill battle but one I'm committed to keep fighting. We should never give up on the journey of health and fitness. The birthday cake is gone and the asparagus is in it's place. :) Seriously, that's what I had last night for dinner. (Along with a small chicken breast and a baked potato.)
I haven't really had a chance to breathe since right before we left for vaca and believe it or not Larry and I have STILL not had our date night. I think this is the longest we've ever gone without time by ourselves. We always date at least once a week and sometimes more than that. Lately not only have we not had a date but every single conversation we've tried to have for about a month's time has been interrupted by someone, and not ever finished. It's pitiful and quite honestly peeves me that we can't finish a conversation without the phone ringing or somebody walking in. I guess if we tried to have a talk at 2 or 3 am, it might work. This week with fine arts in Orlando we still won't connect, in fact we're not even staying together...I'm meeting up with Tana at another hotel. In case you're wondering why I'm not staying with him, he's with the youth so we would not be together anyway. I actually have so much going the next few weeks that I don't know when we will have time for a date but I'm committed to somehow finding the time or at least continue to try! I felt like our communication has been off the past month and truthfully it's no wonder since we have had no time together to speak of, without other people there who need something from us.
We have a HUGE surprise happening at our church on August 16...can't talk about it here on the blog, but it's a TON of work involved on mine and Larry's part but it will be well worth it. Then we have our missions convention coming up on August 30. That's a lot to prepare for too but I'm so excited my friend Pastor Walter from Kenya will be with us!!!
I just completed my initiative list for next week and it's a mile long...includes not only church stuff but my career coaching stuff. I'll find time the next few weeks for a date, or at least... a warm bath to start each day. Maybe the key to improved communication is to have Larry join me? :)