Although I had done a lot of work on the road this week, I had much to wrap up today for the weekend including my final draft of my message, powerpoint, going over some things with Eddie for sound on Sunday, making phone calls,and more. I'm so excited about my message for Sunday I could just scream! It's going to be a good one, I think. Today when practicing one of my illustrations for Sunday, Eddie busted out laughing and agreed with me...it's going to be a crack up for sure. After this message I'm preaching called, "Woman Refreshed" (Subtitle: "A tale of two Sarah's") we are giving away a TON of gifts to the women in attendance. Candy and Janice have been hard at work getting a whole bunch of things for a gift giveaway finale. It's going to be a great day. I am so excited, but not so excited that I'm not going to enjoy my day off tomorrow. :-) I do have one client meeting for my other job, but aside from that I'm pretty much home free to have a restful day tomorrow.
Tonight I made up for the fact that I was gone at district council for 3 days without biking. I did about 10 miles tonight. I have got to get some more weight off...this is driving me crazy.
I'm glad to be home. Home sweet home.