I was on a serious topic all week last week and then linked to my ministry wives article Saturday...I thought I'd go for something a little more lighthearted today. I came up with the idea of telling you five offbeat facts having to do with each of the five senses. For those of you who know me real well these are old hat, but here we go.
Taste: I love brie cheese. My friend Janice Shehan got me started on it. (Thanks Janice, for this calorie laden favorite that you got me hooked on years ago...) Actually I like any kind of cheese but brie ~ warm and gooey preferably ~ is on my mind since I've had it twice in one month thanks to Janice and Gayle. :-)
Smell: I love the smell of my husband's cologne when I nuzzle up to his neck.
Touch: I love the feeling of baths and showers. I take two a day and always feel a pang of guilt that people in Africa sometimes never even take one - ever. But still, I take them. It's not just one of my necessities, it's one of my addictions. In addition to our big jacuzzi tub Larry just got us a Water Pik Aquascape Ultra shower head and I'm loving it. I have to remind myself I do have other things to do in life besides take a shower...things like, um...several jobs. :-)
Hearing: I love listening to classical music while eating dinner.
Sight: I love staying in a high rise hotel , opening the curtains at night and being able to see all the bazillion lights until I drift off to sleep. Larry always tells me, "put some clothes on if you're going to do that!" And I say, "who's going to see me? Somebody hanging around outside the window in a helicopter?"
BTW, thanks for your reply note this weekend! God is so good, isn't He!
Ruth, PA
Have fun at District Council [or...as much fun as you can have voting on changing the "a" to an "and" in Section 3, page 62, paragraph 4 of the bylaws]!!!