I came home and showered and cleaned up again and since Savanna was sleeping over at Britney's last night we had the night to ourselves and we went to dinner and a movie. We went to see Duplicity starring Julia Roberts and Clive Owen. I didn't like the movie but Larry did. Dustin said they have gotten a lot of complaints about the movie at the theatre and a lot of people said it was "too complicated." I agree. However none of that really matters -- I just had a great time being with Larry. I woke up at one point after Lord knows how long with my head on his chest, having been sound asleep. I rarely if ever fall asleep at the movies but it was boring me and I was running on 3 hours sleep the night before and an incredibly busy morning at church.
I've got a super busy week this week, but it's going to be all good! We're going to make it a great one in Tampa Bay!