Before I share about a special Easter gift I received I just want to ask you friends reading this to pray for me this morning. I cannot share all the details but suffice it to say I had one of the most horrible mornings of my life. (Some of you might say it's because of a great service yesterday, the enemy's attack, etc.) Perhaps that is correct, I am not sure. At any rate, I am just heartsick and forcing myself to go through the motions today of my work, and everything I have to do today. Truth be told at this moment I want to give up and run away from life despite anything that happened at church yesterday. By the way, I'm not being melodramatic, this is also not PMS nor the change of life. :-) We need a miracle within the next two months, specifically. Thank you for praying.
Besides some of my unchurched friends coming to our service on Easter and the salvations that occurred, the most special thing to me on Easter was a gift that my daughter Savanna gave me. I thought I'd show it to you here:
In case you can't read the letter it says:
Happy Easter. You're a wonderful mother and I love you. Thank you for always being here for me. I know you said that I didn't have to get you a gift but I wanted to because every year you get me, Dustin, Jordan and Bobby Easter baskets, and I felt you were being left out in all the presents and all. When I saw this notebook I immediately thought of you because it's pink and it's animal print and you take lots of notes. I know you already saw it but as they say, it's the thought that counts. I hope you like it. I'm pretty sure you will. Enjoy.
I love you Mom!
Savanna Rose
p.s. I enjoyed the shopping with you at Ross. Deanna again: I said there was a major update coming after Easter, and there is, so stay tuned!

What a beautiful gift from your daughter! I do not believe children realize how precious those handmade or written treasures are to Mom! Something to read and reread!
I am praying for you! I do not know what you are going through, but God does. You are his child! He knows all about this circumstance...and knows how to lead you through the "Red Sea"!
About a week ago, I had an experience with the Lord that was unbelievable (in a great way). I won't go into detail now but it was so wonderful and beautiful, I hardly have the vocabulary to describe. But this week, my brother, a missionary in Indonesia, had a life threatening accident. I have needed all the faith I can muster up this past week.
I shared that to say this, whatever you experienced with the Lord yesterday, dwell in His glory. He already knows your need and is ready with the strength you need to go through this situation. HE LOVES YOU, DEANNA!
Your sistah in Him,
Ruth, PA
I will be praying.