We had a bunch of people over for dinner after church. The menu was spectacular...here's what we had in case you're interested in drooling over the thought of it...lol:
Fruit & Cheese Plate
Fried Chicken
Salmon with Hollandaise Sauce
Potato Casserole
Fully loaded mashed potatoes
Spanish Rice
Creamed Corn
Macaroni and Cheese
Strawberry Shortcake
Layered Brownie dessert with frosting and nuts
Homemade Biscuits
If you are wondering, I didn't make all this. Everyone who came brought something. We just made the ham, potato casserole and biscuits. If we could have we would have had the whole church over. Not possible so it ended up to be five families plus us. We ate and talked and mid-way through a conversation I fell asleep and was out like a light. I woke up a long time later and everyone was still talking and we continued on until 10:00 pm!
Great day at church, and wonderful friends, conversation and food...how much better does it get than THAT?