First, as mentioned in yesterday's blog, we got a lot accomplished around the house this weekend.
Second, we had a fantastic day at church today. We began our new series, "Marching to Miracles." Larry was particularly funny today and you just "had to be there" to experience it. I thought worship was pretty off the chain...the choir was hot...it just all came together. And...our friends Jim and Janice were there, as they are now officially here and part of our Northside family. I convinced them to stay for choir lunch although they had to get back home to take their truckload of stuff that just got here today to a storage facility. Speaking of lunch it was a particularly great choir luncheon today. Everyone said they absolutely loved it. We did a homemade soups & sandwiches lunch today, with desserts. A big hit! We always have lunch before choir however usually it's just covered dish dinner style, not an organized menu as it was this time. After we ate we had a FANTASTIC practice. Couldn't believe how fast they learned two songs for Easter. Let me tell you it's going to BLOW THE DOORS OFF THE PLACE and I am SERIOUS.
I came home and Larry and I had a few moments of quiet and then he said, "let's go see a movie" so we took Savanna and went to see Madea Goes to Jail. I'm a HUGE Tyler Perry fan and let me tell you it doesn't disappoint. I laughed until I hurt. I absolutely loved it. I would give some of my favorite quotes from the movie but I don't want to give anything away so I won't. I do have to say at least one thing, and that is that one of the highlights for me is when Madea spoke in tongues in the movie. And yes, I am serious!