My life coaching class was yesterday and this is without a doubt one of my all time favorite things not just of the month, but out of everything in the whole wide world! We had a great morning and I am feeling like some members of the group are really moving forward. I am so proud of each of them! That was the best part of my day.
After life coaching I went to vacuum the sanctuary stage now that Kidzturn has packed up and moved to their next destination. Yes, we have someone else to do this, but I wanted it done "my way". Every woman can understand that I'm sure. Certain things drive me crazy on the platform and I don't always get around to fixing them but when I do, I do. So after taking an hour to fix it like I wanted it and take care of another few church projects I finally I headed home to start other things. Before I did I took a much needed nap. I didn't intend to sleep that long but I have really been exhausted from a few things that I haven't spoken about here on the blog, but maybe one day. There is nothing wrong. Some of you who read faithfully especially through the years know of different struggles I've had and I'm just setting you at ease, I am not in a crisis or sick or anything. Just have some other things going on that I am trying to find balance and rest right now.
So I slept. Longer than I planned on but that's okay. Then I moved on to cleaning, ironing, washing clothes, etc. There's a lot to be done for Sunday each week aside from service preparation...just getting our family ready personally and chores at home and stuff like that -- just like all of you reading this have, I'm sure. We have a leadership meeting tonight so I also was getting ready for that. I always love our team meetings.
Speaking of leaders - I know many of you are praying for our children's pastor, Trinity Mackley. He has cancer and is going through chemo. We were going to be having a special day of appreciation to honor he and Misty in church today but we will not be able to. He had to be admitted to Moffitt Cancer Center last night and he will be staying overnight a few days. He caught a cold and has a fever and that is not good. Please be in extra special prayer for him. You can read his blog where he journals his journey here. If you have time please stop over there on his blog and leave a comment and let him know you are lifting him up. He is always amazed when my readers who don't even know him stop over there and I tell him you are the most caring people in the world and he has many he doesn't even know lifting him up!!! For all of you Northsiders, just FYI that we will have the appreciation festivities next Sunday or the first Sunday he is back, whenever that is but I am believing in faith it will be next Sunday.
Here's to a great Sunday morning service...I have faith it will be amazing. God is going to show up and anything can happen.