I took these pictures of Maddie just after midnight. She was all tuckered out ready to go to sleep for the night. I've heard it said the more nicknames a child has the more they know they are loved. I have always given my kids a zillion nicknames. Our dog is no different. I have already bestowed at least five or six on her, "Maddie Moo Moo" being one, or sometimes just "Moo". By the way, at her doctor's appointment yesterday they weighed her and she has doubled her weight in three weeks from 6 lbs. to 12 lbs. You can see how much she is growing from these photos.
It's going to be a great day at church today! Madeline is a church going puppy. Yup. She still needs a lot of care in going out to potty often so we take her and she stays in our office. We let her out right before service starts, and then when service is over the kids take her out to potty. Everyone enjoys seeing her. I've thought of the fact that when she is not a pup anymore and is fully trained it will kind of be sad to leave her home. Everyone enjoys seeing her so much before or after service. She's become quite the church mascot. We've got our office cat, "baby" and now Maddie.
I can't wait to see what God will do this morning at church. Larry and I are beginning our new tag team series, "Fireproof Family." This morning should be interesting to say the least. We're going to say a few bold things that some people have probably never heard from the pulpits of America, yet...it is very clearly in scripture.
I'll keep you posted!
We ,personally, have always taken Heb 13:4 sacredly (i.e. honor marriage among all).Unfortunately, some mistake that as "we have a perfect marriage or family". No one can relate to that or live up to that! The Fireproof movie has an anointing on it. It will make you look at your marriage even if the topics on the screen don't seem to apply to your marriage. After seeing it, God has been revealing our own 'blindspots' and doing a great work in both of us.
Meanwhile, with all we've done wrong, we must have done something right. My 16yr old has told people: "My parents are doing things the way they are 'supposed to be done'." Our vow renewal for 20 years was put in our denomination's news bulletin where normally building projects are hi-lited. Our marriage got in there before our new sanctuary has! Indeed marriage is to be honored among all and the Fireproof movie does it well. God is the builder of all things!
We've been given the Love Dare to do. Please pray that God will do a deep work in us that lasts generation to generation! I want my kids to love their mate like Christ loves the church and gave himself up for her! Love and respect is paramount in marriage. I will pray for your movie night. Ours is that same night too! 2as1