I know. I didn't post again until late... 12:17 am to be exact this time so I guess I technically missed blogging yesterday which is highly unusual. It's just how the schedule went. This week I have missed twice...just so much going on.
It was a really busy day (Thursday) at work. We are getting ready to bring about 6 new leaders onto our core team at the church, and we are preparing for what I believe will be our most important leadership meeting ever. This has necessitated some planning meetings...lots of them. It's all good...in fact it's GREAT! But it's keeping us running that's for sure.
We had a full day at work and meetings with leaders and then we came home and I had to finish an article I am on deadline to write for this weekend and then start on another one that I have a deadline for earlynext week. I do write for fun and my own catharsis but I also have freelance jobs at times and right now I'm in the middle of a few. This is good, especially in this economy. It keeps the highlights in my hair. (GRIN) Only half kidding there...
After finishing the article, I made a big batch of my famous chicken salad for the boys. They love it and make sandwiches with it whenever they feel like it and it saves me from hearing that phrase, "what do we have to eat?" so much. That is the never ending phrase no matter how much I cook. I live in a house of bottomless pits. The groceries we go through are amazing.
I held Maddie on the couch for a while as we watched American Idol with Savanna before she went to bed. We laughed at the singers as we usually do and marveled at how these people have absolutely no clue that they can't sing. Afterwards, Larry wanted to go on a late night date with me to the movies. Sometimes we go after the kids are in bed ~ which is nice at this stage of our lives. Dustin was still working at the theatre as he was closing, but the other two were home and we headed out to see Last Chance Harvey. I enjoyed being out with Larry but neither of us would ever see the movie again. It's extremely slow and makes you feel like you just want to pull the plot out of the screen and say, "enough already people, just get together....." and you really don't feel exciting tension as you watch, you just feel...bored. The only reason I wasn't completely bored is because:
1) I was with my husband
2) I had a hot chocolate.
Tomorrow is our day off. As I've been reading through the book of Genesis and Exodus this past month I'm convicted about really having a Sabbath. I'm going to try and take one but it won't be easy...I still have a few projects to wrap up this weekend and I am thinking, "do I really want to do all this on Saturday?" I have life coaching and then some remaining preparations for Sunday. We'll see what happens, but a Sabbath is the goal.
One thing I'm thinking right at this moment is that the ebb and flow of writing is so interesting. This morning I was sitting at my desk drawing a blank about this freelance project I was working on. I'm finished it now. As I sit here now, a plethora of writing ideas are flooding my mind. But I really need to go to sleep. Tomorrow's a school day so I still need to get the kids up for school even though it's my day off.
My husband made me leave my laptop in the office at the end of the day yesterday, because, as he said, "I know you'll try to work on your day off if you don't."
The man knows me well, lol!!!
love you