renew itself and create order.”
I spent one of the most awesome evenings I have had in a long time...with myself! I love being alone and wrote a blog about that recently. I realize my previous post stated that I was going away with my family, and I am. However there is also some time for me to renew myself personally while we're away. Oh joy!
We got here to Shingle Creek and Larry wanted to take the kids to Sea World. They all have passes but I don't. So they left immediately for the park which left me to do something alone. I ate dinner by myself (cuban) and sat there just relaxing enjoying the gorgeous outdoor surroundings here at the resort. Then after dinner settled I went to the workout room and spa. It is absolutely A-MAY-zing!!! I couldn't believe all that I got to do at this place. You can use the spa facilities even if you aren't getting massages or other treatments. Wow, I felt like a queen. The first thing I did was work out for an hour. Then I headed to the "ladies only" spa. Walking in it says, "shhhhh....quiet zone" and you walk in to candles everywhere and soft music and they hand you a robe and slippers. I took a shower which sounds very basic however it wasn't your everyday was with their special massage shower heads, and shower products...then got in the jacuzzi, and afterwards showered again and then slipped into one of their robes which feels like a million bucks! Then I went to the "quiet room" where I had complimentary ice water with oranges, an earl gray tea, and I even indulged in one tiny butter cookie dipped in dark chocolate (Just one!) I sat there for about 45 minutes in the chair and read Southern Living, then
got up and went to the changing room and got dressed to go upstairs to my room. The whole place is completely geared to women and their needs from all the products provided in the showers, restrooms, any product you could possibly need is right there. So, I decided that tomorrow morning and also the next day before I leave I'll go down, work out and do this same little routine. It will be worth it to set my alarm and although not getting up at the crack of dawn or anything, I'll make sure to get up well before my family so I have time to experience this again twice while I'm here since it's so great and it's right here for me to take advantage of as a guest of the hotel. Amazing!
I needed this in a very real way. Seriously...I'm so glad we got to do this before the year starts. It was also really good for my back to do this and I'm hoping to go back to Tampa feeling a lot better. Although I have a jacuzzi at home this one hit my back in different spots. I have blogged some the last week about not feeling well and being in pain. This time away will be good for me, for all of us...
Right now I'm having some quiet time in my room and Larry and the kids are on their way back. Since it's a Jon and Kate Plus 8 marathon, Savanna and I will probably snuggle up and watch it which will make for a nice cap off to my evening.
Love You