http://www.psalmofdeanna.blogspot.com/ is a series of short conversations between God and I that I occasionally post. It's a totally different verbal flavor than you will find here on this blog and you might want to take a peek occasionally.
http://equaltime4women.blogspot.com/ is a blog that I co-founded and co-write with Pastor Tara Sloan. This blog focuses on issues of biblical equality. We sometimes have guest bloggers too who are just fantastic...people like Pastor Leanne Weber, who everyone should get to know! For those who may have visited the Equal Time blog before - please note that THE ADDRESS HAS BEEN CHANGED IN RECENT DAYS...so if you had it listed on your blogroll under the old address or you have it bookmarked...you will need to do it again.
These other two blogs are not ones that I faithfully post to everyday, however when I or others do post there is something noteworthy to say. So stop by and visit.
