I wanted to do a few special things with the kids before I left for Africa. Savanna asked if we could get our nails done together yesterday morning before I left. She got a manicure and had her nails painted bright orange with designs. I'd take a photo now to show you, however she's asleep. lol
For me, I like to get something unique as far as design when there's a special occasion in my life ~ holidays, a ministry trip, etc. Most times I just have a solid color with a small design on only my ring finger. (I usually get all my designs, repairs, etc. for free since I'm a very loyal customer, which is wonderful...) So Africa was in the "special" category and I asked Lisa for a design I've had before and really liked. Here it is ~ I just love it and wanted to share it with you...
As I've mentioned before in my posts, I'm particular about my hands and taking good care of them. I want them to look and feel good as I pray with someone, shake their hand, hold their hand or reach out to comfort them.
I think it's kind of funny that one of the first things people notice or remark about my blog is the way my hands look in the blog header, holding Larry's face! If this ministry gig stops working for me, maybe I could be a hand model. lol JUST KIDDING, of course! (About the ministry being a gig, first of all, and second -- I do think my hands look nice, but not sure about model quality...I'm sure there are many more stringent requirements for it than what I do.)
Okay folks, keep checking back with Twitter for exactly what's happening in real time! Also please note if you are commenting the next week, the comments may not appear for a while time since I may not be on the internet to approve them and post them. :-) Thanks.
Sounds like you are have a terrific time....yes, HANDS are important PD, thanks for reminding me of how important they really are! Thank God for hands :)
I am praying and following you every step of the way. We do now have a personal plan for Tampa....YEAH!!!
You are loved, please give our prayers and thoughts to Sue as well.
Janice and Jim Shehan