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What To Do First to Make a Profit

The PF Women Team at our Annual Team Retreat  ~ 2018 Today on Seth Godin's blog, he said: It's tempting to decide to make a profit first, then invest in training, people, facilities, promotion, customer service and most of all, doing important work. In general, though, it goes the other way. Yes, it does. If you are waiting to make a profit before you do these things, in my experience you're  not going to make a profit. So many organizations, ministries and churches are struggling with financial issues. I know your pain. As anyone who follows our story knows, our ministry was in a ton of debt four years ago when I came on as director.  Since that time, we've gotten out of debt and turned a profit every year.  God has done amazing things through out team, for which we give Him the glory! I find that what Seth is saying here is absolutely true, with one disclaimer. For Christian leaders, spiritual disciplines must always be first. Before we started i...

Today's the day!

This morning we leave for Africa!! I can't believe the day has finally come although I have been racing against the clock to get ready. Sue has as well. Some of you have asked me, "who is this Sue person who is going with you?" I take for granted that everyone knows and has been reading here forever...sorry. Sue is one of the key leaders in our church. She is our our core leadership team, women's leadership team, and is one of our Fusion small group leaders. However her main role is Aprile's Hope Ministries which is a support group for women dealing with domestic violence or significant loss, which falls under the umbrella of our women's ministries. Not to mention, she's one of my dearest friends. I did a blog post about her last year that you can find here.

We will take three flights (one short one and two extremely long ones) and arrive tomorrow night in Africa. I wanted to show you the giant plane (airbus) we are traveling on in case you have never been in one. They are absolutely huge. I was amazed last time by it. Here are a few photos. The thing I like best is the fact that aside from reading my Bible and studying, sleeping, and shutting myself off by wearing my headphones and praying -- there's also non-stop 24 hour entertainment with first run movies playing constantly that each individual can choose for themselves. Everyone has their own TV and remote as you can see in the photo. There are a large selection of movies, television shows, and 24 hour news, although as previously mentioned I'm not watching news right now. There's also a GPS that constantly shows you exactly where the plane is at and how many miles you have left to go. It's so cool. I'm glad there's all this to keep a person busy on there because first, I get a little nervous when flying that long (I hate turbulence no matter how inconsequential or normal they say it is... ) and second we're just on the plane for so long. This time I'll have Sue with me so I won't be shutting myself off quite as much as we'll be talking a lot, I'm sure.

Pray for us! Pray specifically today and tomorrow for safe travel and on time flights not to mention our luggage arriving with us. Last year my luggage arrived 3 days after I did! Thankfully I had my Bible and message notes in my carry on as well as a skirt and blouse to preach in on Sunday, however I had to lean on Barb (missionary) to help me out with everything else for 3 days. She was great about it. I'd really like to have all my stuff this time though. We are getting there and leaving for Nakuru on Friday morning so I'd really like my suitcase with me for that 2 day trip.

Sue thought she had some kind of satellite thing she got from ATT that was supposed to guarantee us e-mail capability from the four corners of the earth, however it was a disappointment last night at to find out this is not the case. The ATT employee who told her it would work was incorrect. That means that I will not be able to post live updates as I had previously planned to, however I will text to my twitter which is on the right hand sidebar of this blog and will post short update messages. The two places we can definitely get on line are in the airports and at the missionary compound. However, during the four conference days (Mon-Thurs) I do not think we will have internet, therefore I'll catch up asap when I get a connection. Note that I will text right away each time we Philly, London, and then Africa. So friends and regular watching and praying! I am ever so grateful for you!

With internet not being possible at all times, I have prepared and scheduled posts to publish while I'm gone each day telling you where we are scheduled to be and what we're doing. When and if I'm able to get on, I'll give additional updates. I'll signify each time whether it's a pre-scheduled post or an update in real time. If you are on the prayer partner list and I am not able to get on to do emails, just keep checking the daily schedule here and the Twitter in the sidebar. Keep in mind whenever you are praying or thinking of us...Africa is 8 hours ahead of us in the USA, on Eastern Standard Time. Love you all...


Sharon said…
Man that AirBus is something else. I've only flown a couple of times. My kiddos were babies, and don't remember. They'd love to, one day.

I'll be reading and praying!

Anonymous said…
You are a trail blazer! Trooper!
Way to go! 2as1

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