We had a super day at church and are just flowing with the "Freedom" theme that God is doing in the church right now. Larry and I decided that this month's sermon series would go along with what the spirit was already doing last month and so we are preaching, "Journey to Freedom" right now. All the songs were about freedom, and it was simply an all around positive day in the house.
I had the most fun teaching my SS class as that is my absolute favorite thing to do, bar none. If you've been reading my blog for long you know I've been teaching for 26 years straight and I'm very proud of that! It's easy to do actually because it's my favorite thing to do and when you're doing something you absolutely love it never feels like work or burdensome. Right now I am teaching a series on apologetics. We are talking about answering questions such as, "How do we really know Jesus raised from the dead?" and "How do we know for a fact the Bible is true?" and things like that and specific helps in answering skeptics. The response to the class has been tremendous the past two months that I've been on the series and I really almost hate to end the series at some point because we're just enjoying it so. I've got a great substitute, Alex Rivera who will teach for me again next week continuing in the same series and then I'll pick up when I come back from Africa where I left off. But oh how I will miss my dear class!
I still have a sermon to wrap up for Africa and more arranging and packing of my bags. Sue and Candy went through our gifts for Africa today and we have over 700 that we are taking (so far). I'm sure a few more will come in tomorrow too. I can't wait! Did I mention that?
Off to finish the message and pack...I do have a full day in the office tomorrow too... so much to do before I leave and so little time so pray for me, ok?