Today Tom was at the church working on the van fixing it (we don't need the van for the event Sunday, he's just doing a repair on it). We all went to Home Depot to get some things to fix various things that we wanted to have done by the weekend. And then Cathy and I headed off to Michaels and Walmart to get some things to decorate. We were so happy with what we got -- we were both THRILLED to get the sales we got and there are going to be some incredibly nice "fall" touches in our facility on Sunday!!
We worked until about 6:00 pm and then headed to the grocery store to get some things, also for the weekend. We're having a dinner for all of our "friends" after the morning service. So excited!
After getting home, putting the groceries away and eating dinner, Larry said, "let's go on a date tonight!" (Yippee!) Our son works at Cobb Theatres and we get free tickets anytime Sunday-Thursday. So Larry said he wanted to wait til' the boys got home from work tonight and that way they'd be here for Savanna and late night tonight we'll be headed to see the late night showing of Nights in Rodanthe. (Larry even picked the movie...pretty impressive, huh?) I have read the book -- Nicholas Sparks is one of my favorite authors. Can't wait to see it and it's "Fun Friday" tomorrow so I'll be able to get Savanna off to school and then go back to bed as long as I want to.
I've had two really good days at work and otherwise, and I'm really looking forward to my day off tomorrow. Barring any emergencies it's going to be a fantastic day!