Here's my Top 10 list of things I can sparingly eat but would eat all the time if no health or weight consequences were involved:
1) Hamburgers with gravy
2) Pork chops with gravy - especially my mother in law's, they're AMAZING.
3) Biscuits with gravy
4) Are you seeing a theme here? I'll try to get beyond the gravy stuff, and let's just suffice it to say ANYTHING with GRAVY...
5) Donuts - especially Dunkin Donuts yeast donut with chocolate frosting...mmmm
6) Coke Slurpees
7) Anything dripping with cheese - all varieties of cheese
8) Any kind of pie but fav's are: cherry, banana cream, blueberry
9) Potato chips with dip
10) Cheesecake and Chocolate - that one's a tie.
There are many more but those are my top 10 for starters...how about you?
Actually I could eat cornbread or corn muffins from dunkin donuts every day too!
My mom's macaroni and cheese tops my list too!
You should never ask these questions to a pregnant woman! lol
Chipotle burritos. I swear they put crack in the sour cream and cheese!! And sadly, yes, I DO have the ability to down an entire burrito.
Right there with ya on the cheese...although I have discovered Sargento low fat cheese. Only 1 point per serving (and pretty decent sized servings, too!), AND it tastes like REAL cheese, not the usual low fat stuff. Just a tip from one Weight Watcher to another, lol!!!
I LOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEE ANYTHING WITH GRAVY, yes I do. The cheese cake, donuts, AND THE COKE SLURPEES - my husband has taken me off those for a while - I tried to tell him that they were doctor ordered but he didnt go for it, lol.
Oh yeah, I cant forget about PASTA that has lots of cheese,umm umm umm.