This was our second week of "The Blessed Life" Wow, wow, wow is all I can say. Amazing. Totally amazing. I can't say enough about this series. If you are a pastor reading this, trust me on this one, YOU NEED TO DO THIS. ASAP. If you want more info on this, contact me. I can't say enough about it -- it will revitalize your church as you know it!
Had some great visitors today, among them the Southeastern student, Melinda, who I met at Unstoppable. She is an absolutely incredible singer -- and was at Unstoppable as part of the worship team. She expressed interest in being part of our church and I thought it might not actually work as far as being involved with living in Lakeland, but then she informed me...she lives in Tampa! And she's commuting. She is starting school there a bit older than most of the kids...she's 25 and just starting there and has a condo here. HOW PERFECT! I was automatically impressed by the fact that two weeks ago she told me she could not attend last Sunday with a prior engagement but that she'd be there today. I've gotten used to the fact with college students that most of the time if they tell you the sun is shining, get your umbrella out. (lol) In other words, if you have absolutely no expectations of them, well then...you'll never be disappointed. :-) [Translation: that's how you cope, to take that mindset.] Well, much to my delight she walked in this morning, thrilled to be there! We invited her to go to lunch this afternoon and then she came to our house for newcomers. Yay!
I have been believing God for miracles these past few months and I'm starting to sense a few unfolding.
The Lord prompted me tonight to study covenant prayer again. I have a book on my shelf at the office I have to re-read again tomorrow. There's something in there God wants me to see for this time period that I haven't seen yet...can't wait to uncover it.
Thank you for sharing this. It encouraged me that God works this way in you too:-) Specifically 'for this time period' is something God has recently been showing me too. It's amazing, when life goes by and you re-read a book or the Bible, how differently you see it. You have a new way to apply it.
Please tell Melinda hi for me! She is an amazing young woman of GOd and He has great plans for her. Tell her to blow her trumpet loud. She will understand.
Jessica S.