Today is cause for celebration...as I've now crossed the threshold into 1,000 posts! Woo hoo!
Just thought I would share with you some things I'm thinking about, and in some cases really not sure of.
Let's start with the not sure. Yesterday in reading Streams in the Desert, the subject was the importance of always meeting with God in the morning. Here's an excerpt:
"The morning watch is essential. You must not face the day until you have faced God, nor look into the face of others until you have looked into His. You cannot expect to be victorious, if the day begins only in your own strength. Face the work of every day with the influence of a few thoughtful, quiet moments with your heart and God. Do not meet other people, even those of your own home, until you have first met the great Guest and honored Companion of your life--Jesus Christ."
When I first wake up in the morning (usually while my eyes are still shut but I'm technically "awake") I talk to the Lord, as in, "Good morning," and that's about it for quite a few hours . Honestly, although I read the Word and one or two of my devotional books each morning on the way to the office, I don't spend my private worship or prayer time with God in the mornings because it's not my best time of the day. I've always spent time with God when I'm at my optimal best and felt good about doing that. Sometimes it's real late - I'm a night owl. I've never felt anything was wrong with that because I saw it as giving God my best. But in reading Streams yesterday, and also in reading Bruce Wilkinson's book, Secrets of the Vine in times past, they both indicate if you are really going to go deeper in God, you really must commune with God in the morning and that many well known Christians who have gone before us have learned that this is essential for a deeper walk. I know some of the Psalms talk about meeting God in the morning but it also talks about the evening as well, so I've never seen it as a command, but a choice. If mornings are essential, that is kind a bummer thought for me. Especially now. As I said yesterday, mornings have been a real struggle.
This whole issue is one I'm giving more thought to and committing to prayer. But I probably won't make any change on it for at least a few weeks to months until I'm more on track physically and emotionally in the mornings.
Now, some things I'm thinking about that God has been showing me or doing in me...
* External circumstances are not the sum of our life. Internals are what God bases things on.
* There are some days we are operating in nothing but sheer obedience, but that's alright.
* Today I read the book of Habakkuk. It's a great book too that I never gave much thought to before.
* "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." Psalm 147:3
"the choices of others do not define me".
congrats on your 1000th post and looking forward to many more.
Blessings, Laurie