Now you know why I say that woman and I eat out of the same box of Cheerios although I'm in Florida and she's in Illinois, we are abso-freakin'-lutely two peas in a pod, and might as well be joined at the hip. Now you know why we instantly became bff's when we met on that fateful day, over 10 years ago now. :-)
By the way, for any of you still reading this post who haven't clicked over to Tara's, we had a great day at church today. For a holiday weekend, attendance wasn't too bad and I was pleasantly surprised to have a full choir! Most of all, God's presence was really there in worship, Larry brought an awesome Word, and we had a good altar time. Just want to give you this quote from my husband's message today that was the "stand out" takeaway for me personally today:
"You are headed in the direction of your most dominating thought."
- We talk ourselves into valleys many times. We have to keep a mountaintop perspective even when in the valley. (hhhmmm...was he preachin' to his wife today, or WHAT? Gotta love that man.)
- At the same time, we do have to survey our challenges and not deny our present reality. In other words, no matter how many times you name it/claim it or whatever, you're in the situation you're in...but God CAN do a miracle!
- God wants us to stimulate our courage. We've got to get it active, get it going.
- Some people have a "grasshopper complex"
- You've got to hop in the right direction.
- Little thinkers make big stinkers.
- All the people who said, "we can't conquer Caanan", DIDN'T!
- There are 9,000 promises that God has made to us in His Word! What are we doing with them?