Whether or not, I'm proud of me. I went outside into the sunshine today and rode my bike for 3 miles. It felt good.
Something got me out of bed. It was a blessing that happened in my life today, not one that solves my problems but one that gives me something to really look forward to in the coming months. I can't share the details of the blessing here because the person who gave me the blessing did so on the agreement that I wouldn't tell anybody they did it. :-)
Finding out about this gave me such a boost that I got up, cleaned the kitchen and went and rode my bike. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I got out of my bed today.
By the way, I got on the scale today. I've lost 8 lbs. in one week. Seriously.
Look forward to my new book that I'm writing on depression. I think I'll call it 5,267 ways to get out of bed, or something like that.
I have a women's ministries event tonight. I had to get out of bed for that whether or not, but this blessing today made it much easier to have motivation. I'm going to take a moonlight path bath and get ready to go. Savanna Rose is going with me. Tara wrote to me this morning and said, "Stir yourself up! You've got a WM event tonight!'
That's the story of my life lately...stirring myself up, and then...laying down before I have to stir myself up again.
Friends tell me, it won't always be like this, and this too shall pass. I'm choosing to believe them, and when I'm too weak to believe, they have been believing for me.