think often about the disproportionate amount of housework you do?
wake up and then can't go back to sleep?
hate to pee in the middle of the night?
twitter on some days all the time, and absolutely none the next day?
really believe nobody else would do your job and pick up the slack if suddenly, you weren't there?
have a hatred for weeds?
clean the shower while you're in it?
love wearing just a t-shirt and underwear around the house?
wake up in the middle of the night with a horrible headache, take an Excedrine Migraine tablet and then be so "awake" from it that you never go back to sleep?
hate your phone?
think some Christians will end up following the anti-Christ because they are so biblically illiterate and driven by mysticism?
always go to the bathroom before you get on the scale?
have a love/hate relationship with e-mail?
get irritated when people crack their knuckles?
feel like the older you get the more filled with compassion you become?
get really queasy or pass out if people even talk about blood?
understand why some mothers in Texas do crazy stuff? When my kids have me at my wits end, I tell them, "THIS is why mothers in Texas do crazy stuff!!! Do you hear me?! You're lucky I don't go Texan on you right now!!"
get frustrated when you go to Super Wal-mart at typically busy times, see fifty bazillion cash registers and about four cashiers and lines out the wazoo. What the heck? Sam cannot be that broke. Hire more people.
think the school supply lists have gone OUT OF CONTROL? We DID NOT take all this stuff to school when we were kids. If you were in school in the 60's and 70's, did your Mom have to buy kleenex and Clorox wipes and paper towels to send in to school?! I'm just sayin' ...
love Panera bread coffee? (or Panera anything, really...)
think muffin tops are stupid?
Love the new header btw it is very fitting for an intimate portrait.
I love the "You're lucky I don't go Texan on you right now!" That is too hilarious!
The boys picked up sticks in the yard yesterday afternoon from the storm and you would've thought I went Texan on them. They acted like I was the worst mother in the world. I wish I had that line then...Caleb would've understood, lol.
of course
no, afraid I am getting more jaded and cynical
no, but funny
yes, it's absurd
never had any...should I be pitied?
that's my favorite part