1) What were you doing ten years ago?
Here's a pic of me with my family ten years ago. I was Larry's wife of 11 years, co-pastor of our church in Maryland and Mom of a 1 year old baby girl and two elementary school age boys. I was tired a lot of the time, but faithful to all that the Lord called me to do.
2) Name five things on today's "to do" list:
Clean the kitchen
Rest a bit (supposed to be my day off)
Go to sectional minister's meeting (unfortunately it fell on my day off)
Go on a bike ride
Do a load of laundry
3) Things I'd do if I was a billionnaire...
So much! I'd bless and give to my children, my church, friends, missionaries, and I would publish and give many books away for free to those who could not otherwise afford them.
4) Three bad habits:
Emotional eating at times
Procrastinating with my 2 least fav household chores
Raising voice when I'm angry at times
5) Five places I've lived:
Baltimore, MD
Phoenixville, PA
Newark, NJ
Pennsauken, NJ
Dayton, OH
6) Five jobs I've had:
Dish washer
Administrative Asst.
Music Pastor
7) Five people I'm tagging: