Here she is walking out of the elementary school for the last time, to meet us at the end of graduation... my eyes misted up seeing her walk out.
They had serious awards today as well as some fun ones. Savanna was given one in her classroom for best sense of humor! She can be a downright silly girl sometimes. Where does she get that from?
Savanna and her friend and classmate Jenna, who is also Casey's (Dustin's girlfriend) cousin who lives in the same neighborhood we do. They were all smiles the whole time...no tears for anyone in the class. They are excited to move up to middle school.
As for us parents... not so sure.
These "lasts" are hard for me, I will admit. I have been wanting for a while now to have another child. Most of my friends think I'm crazy. My life coaching class seem to be the only ones who think it's a fantastic idea! Larry and I can't have more biological children unless a miracle happened, but I would love to adopt. I even have one all picked out to adopt, believe it or not. But, my husband is totally against it so it's not gonna happen, but I have dreamed...
Lisa tells me not to worry, "that's what grandkids are for..."
I don't know. That won't be the same. But I'll trust her word on it.
I will still take up the call to raise up countless spiritual children that God has entrusted to me.
It's a privilege that I never lose sight of...
Would you believe just a few months after he had his operation I had my annual physical and my doctor recommended I get a procedure done (not tubes tied) but another procedure that basically makes it difficult to near impossible to get pregnant? My procedure combined with his basically nixes us...
Unless......God does a miracle in which case, um, my hubby would definitely need counseling. :-)
But it would just totally have to be GOD.
I have been laughing uncontrollably for the last 20 minutes... my kids think I have lost me mind. That comment from Craig was actually from me... he had been logged onto my laptop and I didn't notice. I don't know why it tickled me so but it really did!!!!
I had NO IDEA why Craig all of a sudden came on the conversation and said that. I'm thinking, "okay, that's kind of a strange comment for him to just interject, brand new into this particular thread..."
It is perfectly understandable now. I'm sitting here laughing and Larry is looking at me like I'm losing my mind!!
Toooooooo funny!