If you've been reading my blog any length of time or you know me personally aside from the internet, you know my personal relationship with God and the Weight Watchers program were the primary factors. However, there are many other elements that go into this journey I've been on for three years now, and I'd like to share some of those with you.
Something you need to realize if you have weight to lose is that it's never really just about the food. Oh yes, it's possible to be addicted to food. In fact, I was -- and although I have experienced many breakthroughs, I'm still on an everyday journey! However, if you struggle with food addiction, it's not simply an addiction to food -- there are reasons, IMHO, that drive people to addictions.
I was addicted to foods, but various things drove me to that addiction and until right thinking came into focus and I saw not just what I was eating but what was eating me...it wasn't possible to break through. It's not just a matter of apples or oranges (or Oreos)...it's a matter of what drives you to eat them when you aren't the least bit hungry.
I can't wait to share some of these things with you. Please don't think I'm coming at you with a condescending attitude, thinking I've arrived somehow.
Please. If you only knew.
Realize this is a very challenging journey that I face each and every day.
I fall down.
But I get up again. (Hey, somebody should make that a song...)
Seriously. If you struggle with your weight, I hope you'll open your heart to what I have to say the next few days.
I must say, I definately struggle so I know the post will be very informative for me.