Okay, to get ALL the 4-1-1 on this year's conference simply go to our website. There you will find all the details about the speakers, the hotel, the topics we'll be unpacking, and a downloadable registration form. Early bird registration special is going on NOW, so take advantage! Also, there will be a very special gift presented at the conference for the woman who refers the most women this year to the Unstoppable Conference.
I know you get tons of advertisements in the mail and online about conferences. What to choose, what to choose! Well, if you would like to find out more about why you should even consider coming to this conference, go to the website and check out last year's feedback from women who attended, photos, and more, or go to my other website, Pastoring Partners, where there is also a re-cap from last year's conference. Some of the greatest women in ministry on the planet are involved in Unstoppable, and God has just BLESSED IT. Read the testimonies, or better yet, get involved, and you'll see for yourself.