So Kim, this post is dedicated to you.
K - you're kind , most of the time. I say most of the time because although you're an extremely nice person, you are very protective of your family and close friends and will half kill anything or anyone who tries to hurt them. You are very loyal and this is something I greatly admire about you.
I - incredibly resilient, after all you have been through in your life, you have come through a masterpiece. What you have come out of through your childhood and not only survived but thrived through is nothing short of a miracle. I'm proud of you!
M - mother extraordinaire , that's you. You put the rest of us to shame sometimes. You are amazing as a Mom whether on the sidelines of the football field or as class room mother. But most of all you are just in love with your two kids and everyone can clearly see it.
B - being honest always - something you can count on from Kimberly Moraniec. Yep. She'll give it to you straight both barrels if you need it! No sugar coating the issues. If you wonder where you stand, just ask Kim. She'll give you your exact location and then some. (SMILE)
E - everything's in it's place. Yep, that's what you get with Kim. When you go to her house, there is a place for everything and everything in it's place, plus at least five or six candles lit. She's very orderly and her house smells like apples and cinnamon and this is something I love about her home.
R - remembers everything and I do mean everything! If Kim tells you something happened, the fact is, it happened. She remembers amazing details. If something is downloaded into that head of hers, no matter how many years have gone by, she can recall it in two seconds flat. Wanna know the details? Ask Kim. She's got 'em straight! This can be a little dangerous. She tells stories on me all the time from when we were growing up.
L - laughs a lot. I can pick Kim's laugh out of any crowd anywhere. Kim, I love it when you start laughing so hard that you start that uncontrollable coughing. Not that I want you to cough or anything, but you know what I mean. It's just funny to see you so caught up in the hysteria of whatever it is you're laughing at. It's so funny. You are a very funny person yourself and it doesn't take a movie to make you laugh but I do remember watching Meet the Parents for the first time at your house in your living room and practically rolling on the floor laughing ourselves silly. I remember falling off the couch laughing and you coughing when Ben Stiller was in the airport scene going, "bomb, bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb!!!" Memories......
I love you, Kim and I'm proud to be your sister.