This quote was from a Christian book that was emphasizing the importance of being very careful who you marry. The premise of the book was that if someone has bad character or habits you might see a slight change over the years but not a significant enough amount to make it safe enough to marry them. Well, my post isn't about who you marry or don't marry, although I do have plenty to say about wisdom concerning that. But today's is to say that...
Our personality, and sense of style is also formed early on as well. I do find that when it comes to our preferences in this regard, people do change, but not THAT much. I found this picture recently and just had to CRACK UP.
This is me. Yep. Seriously.
This is me and my dog Kelly sitting on the steps of our house, when I was a kid. And part of the funny thing is, I would still wear something exactly like this today!
I love boots. I wear them every chance I get here in Florida which is only about 3 months out of the year if I'm lucky. They are the only closed toe dress shoe that I like but I wear them a lot. (Otherwise most of the time I'm wearing high heeled open toe shoes/sandals or flip flops, unless I'm working out - then of course I'm wearing my Reeboks.)
If this outfit I'm wearing in this picture came in size 12, I'd wear it today! Seriously. (Yes, I need to lose about 10 to 12 more pounds to get back down to a size 10 - just being totally honest with where I'm at in my weight loss rollercoaster...) And these little black boots? I have a pair in my closet right now that I wear just like them, as well as a brown pair only they are a few sizes bigger now...
I just thought my friends would enjoy seeing this picture. It's still so much like me now, that's the funny thing about it. Some of you from Northside who are seeing this can just picture me coming into work or church in this outfit, only with the dress a few inches longer. The colors and everything are still "me". I have a blouse in my closet that is almost that same print that I wear with a black skirt and my black boots. I was going to take a pic of me in my "now" outfit and put it side by side with this one but my camera's broken. (FROWN) I hope I can get a new one really soon. I can't stand not being able to put current photos upon my blog.
My loving sister, Kim, (four years younger than me) teases me now when I wear my black boots. She calls me "Julia" (meaning Julia Roberts) or "Hook" (meaning that I'm wearing my "hooker boots" - her words, not mine.) LOL Everyone needs a sister to give them endearing names like this especially at 37 and 41 years old. Sorta keeps you feeling young. (SMILE)
This is probably also one of the only pics you've ever seen of my natural hair color. ROFL!! Pastor T always says to our newcomers, "if you have only ever seen one shade of Pastor Deanna's hair, then you know you're a Northside newcomer!"
I love the photo!