I Corinthians 1:4-9 (NLT)
I am bringing God's Word to our congregation tonight (Larry and I share the pulpit - every other Wednesday night I speak, and tonight's my night). I believe God has given me a powerful Word tonight on the gifts of the spirit that will stretch and edify our church. Thanks be to God!
This morning as I went to prayer I was prompted to sing my prayers instead of just speak them. I'm not saying we should do this all the time - it's just something God directed me to do for today. And with adoration to God I just poured out to Him in prayer through a spontaneous song what was in my heart as I sat at the keyboard in my office. When I was done, I read a passage in Come Away My Beloved (by Frances J. Roberts) and this is what portions of it said:
"Show me your hand. I have fashioned it to bring glory to My name. For My Name is above every name and praise and glory belong to Me and in Me every living thing shall rejoice. For I will cause a light to shine out of the darkness, and in that palce where you have walked in defeat, there I will cause victory to break forth. I know your works. Your heart has been an open book My Spirit has read. Yes, and I know your every desire, and I know your every need, and I go before you, and I shall bring it to pass. In the morning, lift your heart in song. In the evening, let your requests be known. And My peace will keep you, and My grace shall be your support. For as the shepherd leads his sheep, you will known with certainty that I go before you. I will bring you to a place of broad pastures, of enlarged vision, of increased fruitfulness and abounding blessings and nothing shall prevent me!
I believe this is a Word for YOU today too! Sing His praise in the morning. In the evening let your requests be known. He is there to meet them. I am believing for a powerful day/evening, for me, and for you!
I really loved this post, very encouraging especially since I've been singing prayers to God for the last couple of days - go figure, and I'm not even a singer -lol.