Tonight was our concert of prayer - the next meeting of our week of prayer. Wow! God's power was there in such a mighty way tonight. Something is going on - powerful in the spirit. I'm telling you, God was all over that place. I can't wait to see what's going to happen next! God has spoken to Larry and I and told us that something great is on the way - greater than anyone could ever expect or imagine. He is moving mountains out of our way - He is going to do unprecedented things. We are moving forward in faith and boldness.
I am slowly getting back on track with my weight after the holidays. I regret all the celebrating I did, food wise. Ugh! It came back to haunt me. I'm getting off eight extra pounds, count 'em - eight -- since the new year started. I have already dropped a pound... and just have to keep going steadily. I find myself asking, "why did I do this?" but honestly if I wasn't on Weight Watchers - at all -just think of how much MORE I would have gained, especially if I didn't go to meetings throughout the season!
So much of weight control is steady plodding along through the ups and downs. Time and time again our WW leaders just say, "don't give up - that's the key...never, never, never give up..." Ups and downs do come no matter what. This is a lifetime journey, not a one time deal. Really it's a matter of continuing daily to keep coming back to submitting oneself to God...stay focused on Him and keep going no matter how many times you may fall. It gets tiring - sometimes we want to give up in this journey but God gives strength to go on. Today I was reading a verse in Jeremiah 31:25 - "I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint."
God, refresh me for this next part of the journey in getting to where I need to be...without fainting. You are about to do something BIG - something incredible -and I need to be in shape when it comes!
Today I got an invitation to speak somewhere in 2008 and I had to chuckle when I got the letter. Just gotta tell you this, my dear readers and I hope you think it's as funny as I do. I rarely - and I do mean rarely - step out of my house without my hair or makeup done. I can probably count the times on one hand that I've done that. Well, recently Larry and I were away for his 40th birthday celebration and we stayed at that bed and breakfast. We were discussing getting up and going down to the dining room (at the B & B) for breakfast and I said "listen, I want to stay in bed til the last minute and in the morning I think I'm going to just get up, wash my face, brush my teeth, comb my hair and head to the dining room and then come back and shower and get ready after that. Larry says, "what if you see someone you know?" I said, "no, I don't know anyone here...it won't be a big deal and besides we're on a getaway...let's just stay in bed and be done with it." Well...
The next morning came and I got up, washed my face, brushed my teeth, combed my hair and headed out... in my pj bottoms with a sweatshirt, my glasses (no contacts)...my flip flops... and sat in the dining room chair getting ready to have my coffee....
The chef came out to greet us and said, "Good morning...I'm Wendy, your chef for this morning...
and then she said.......................
"Um...I recognize you..."
and I was wondering from where because I didn't recognize her...
and she said, "did you speak at the women's conference at the Orlando Mall hotel last year???"
and I gulped and said, "um...yes..."
and she said, "I knew it!!! I was there!!!"
(meanwhile I'm sinking down in the dining chair thinking, "oh Lord...I can't believe I'm sitting here looking like such a bum in front of this woman..." as I run my fingers nonchalontly through my hair trying to magically somehow make it look a little more presentable...)
But before I could say anything else she quickly said, "that conferencewas so fantastic, and actually I happen to be the women's director at our church...and I'm so glad you are our guest today and I got to connect with you personally. I want to get your contact info and ask you to come to our church!"
So after I ate my pumpkin pancakes I gave her my info and she said I'd hear from her.
Well, today I did. And I'll probably be going to speak there in April, although I haven't replied yet - I have to check and double check what's happening on my agenda that week, but God willing I'll be there.
Moral of this story is this...realize that you can run into someone you know anywhere at anytime. It seems everytime I've told Larry this won't happen, it does. You wouldn't believe the places this has happened - even 1,000 miles away from my home. It's unreal. I guess I'd better be extra careful of everything I do and say as it's really true - when you least expect it, somebody's watchin' you!