Last night it was a cold night in Tampa and on those nights I sleep best. I do love Jan/Feb/Mar in Tampa. I call it "boot weather". I wear my boots almost every day and my leather jacket or one of my jean jackets. It's fun to do this for three months (or a little less) and then go back to flip flop weather. During these next months, there's nothing like waking up on a cold morning, being under my down comforter and pulling it tight around me. This morning I slept in and then Teeby brought me homemade pancakes in bed. Yes, it was a B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L morning!
I spent the morning and early afternoon reading and writing mostly and then Larry said he wanted to do something as a family as we always do on this kind of a holiday off. So we all got ready and went out. We had a gift certificate for our family, from Christmas, for Chili's. We went for dinner together and had a really nice time talking and planning our summer vacation. We are thinking of a family "memory tour". (I'll explain in a future post...) and then we went to the movies.
The guys wanted to see a movie that was sort of scary and I'm not into that at all and neither is Savanna. I already have enough of a hard time sleeping - and don't need to add a scary movie on top of it. So we decided to separate as guys/gals for the movie. The boys went to see Cloverfield and we girls went to see 27 Dresses. Definitely glad we opted for this - Savanna and I really enjoyed it! It was a fun movie.
Coming home tonight Savanna and I are sacked out here laying around in bed reading and writing again and the guys are watching Prison Break (Larry's favorite show). It's back to work tomorrow but I already started on some of my initiatives tonight simply because having today off will set me back a whole lot if I don't, and I really want to have some time off Fri. as well which won't happen unless I tackle a few things tonight.
It was a good day. And seriously...I'm really glad that Dr. King did have a dream...not one while sleeping, but one while he was awake. It was a God-dream. Thank heaven for God-dreams.