At the conclusion it was our assignment for everyone to share what they were believing for in increase in their lives in 2008. I personally shared what I have been struggling with concerning goals.
Normally I have a boat load of resolutions. I love goals. I have always thrived on them. But this year I'm just not "feeling it" although I'm wildly excited about the year! What's happening with me? Well, it's like this. Everytime I go to map things out I just feel a check in my spirit from the Lord and it's like He's telling me to leave a lot of margin because some very unexpected things - great and mighty things - are going to happen and I am going to have to be prepared.
It's not like I have a blank slate in front of me. Not at all. That would be rather impossible. Honestly, there are too many roles I have to fill out of necessity, let alone doing a few things I love to do and am passionate about. However, as far as things I normally would be writing in stone and getting prepared for at this time -I'm just not going after it as hard. I have a feeling I'm just going to need some space to take care of stuff, so I'm leaving it there. Hence, the reason I don't have some big list for this year. However, here are a few things that regardless of any huge thing happening, I'm going to do this this year:
1) Go to the next level in my intimate walk with the Lord.
2) Continue to pursue greater fitness.
3) Do a few projects around my house in the way of painting and decorating that I want to do.
4) Work on a new book proposal.
5) Take a trip with Savanna.
And there you have it my friends -- a few goals for 2008. What are your goals?