Today I wrote a post on my other blog, Equal Time, that I co-write with my dear friend, Pastor Tara Sloan. Some of you might not know about that blog - just FYI - we launched it last August on "National Women's Equality Day." From time to time we take turns posting on issues relevant to the topic of the equality of women, particularly pertaining to ministry and leadership. For those who have interest, check out my post today about "just having that feeling" that someone has a prejudice attitude though they speak something else, your spirit tells you otherwise...
I had been working through this post in my mind for over a week now and it's interesting that after I saw the Great Debaters movie, it just further solidified my passion to write the post!
I'm sort of "blogged out" having spent time writing on Equal Time today, but I'll be back tomorrow with more here at Lifetime Intimate Portrait.