Blog readers...can't go into details right now but the Lord knows... would you please pray for our church? There are incredible possibilities on the line right now that could open up all of heaven for us. I mean, if something happens that Larry and I are praying about it would be the greatest thing to ever happen in the history of our church. We need some people who will P.U.S.H. (pray until something happens) with us. Nothing would please me more than to report back here with a testimony that will blow your minds! Thank you for standing in the gap with us, even without me giving all the specifics.
By the way, my calendar appears to be filling for 2008 more for ministry outside the church. Last year it was crazy. I was gone somewhere every month. As much as I love, and I do mean absolutely LOVE to travel and minister, there were times in '07 where I said to myself, "whew! thank the Lord I'm going to be home this Fri/Sat!" I was gone on Sunday a few times last year too, which I do on rare occasions when I feel the Lord direct me to accept something that will have me away on a Sunday. I love to minister God's Word, but there is nothing like coming home! Nothing like being in my own bed, nothing like being with my family, nothing like being in my church.
By the way, did I mention that last week Larry and I got the written invitation for a trip back to Africa? I'm smiling. This time they want Larry to come with me as well and I'd like to take Jordan if possible as well as a team from the church. I realize things are really crazy over in Kenya right now but by the time we go back I feel confident all of this will calm down.
Things are poised for an unbelievable year. Again, please pray with me for a divine miracle of God for our church. I will keep you postedl.