I got to church tonight and God did His thing as usual. Worship went well and so did the teaching. Some people who don't even usually comment said, "Wow, that was so good..." God is so good because quite truthfully it's one of those days where I felt I had little to nothing to give.
We also had a missionary with us from Chi Alpha tonight (Garry Miller) and he did a 10 minute window with us in the adult service and then went and spoke at youth. Good times. :-)
We watched the end of Kid Nation tonight. It's sad that it's over. We enjoyed it so much. I sat on the edge of my seat until I realized Taylor was NOT going to get a gold star. :-) Whew...I'm breathing easier and so are the kids.
By the way, I really, really missed Africa today. I was even going to wear my African dress today but then I was just too tired to get everything ironed. I thought about Kenya today at least 1/3 of the day...and was craving one of Barb's smoothies. I think I'll email her tomorrow and ask her to send me the recipe.
Sometimes things here at home still don't make sense to me after I've gotten back. Still living the "new normal".
'll write more tomorrow when I'm in a better frame of mind to.