I wasn't feeling well at all today. But I don't have time for a "sick day". There's so much to do. Our women's Victorian tea at the church is this Friday night and then on Sunday night I have our Christmas open house at our home for our staff, board and dept. heads and their families. So this is no time to be sick, not that anytime is a great time to be sick. I had a "cluster" type headache all day that I just couldn't shake as well as nausea. I have no idea from what. I had 9 hours sleep last night. I think I'm still just off schedule from Africa. I just had regular Tylenol at the office but on the way home stopped for some Excedrin migraine and as usual that is helping. (That's the best stuff in the world for a headache.)
Today we had a Dr.'s appt for Dustin so we did that first thing and then headed to the office. Did a few hours of work and then we took Misty out for lunch for her birthday. We went to Mimi's cafe and had a wonderful time - though she has laryngitis right now we could understand what she communicated to us. We love and appreciate Misty so much. She's just a wonderful person.
Did some more work after lunch, had staff meeting and then I had an eye appointment to pick up my contact lenses and get my eyes dilated and checked. I didn't do the dilation last month when I was there - just didn't have time. Dr. Stanley lets you come in the next few weeks without paying extra to do it. Everything's great - now I don't have to do that next year, praise God. Only every other year. I don't like it at all. Come to think of it, I hate going to eye and dental check ups but you know, you have to keep up with these things. Thankfully I really like Dr. Stanley...she's just an amazingly nice woman! All of my doctors in Tampa are so wonderful that the discomfort is easier to deal with when I have a check up. God has really blessed me that way.
We had to pick up prescriptions on the way home so we stopped at Publix and Dustin said, "Mom, please make turkey tacos for dinner..." so we picked up all the stuff while waiting for our prescriptions to be filled. I said, "you'll have to help me. I'm not feeling well and my eyes are still "weird" from being dilated..." so when we got home the kids helped with cooking and chores in the kitchen. And now it's time for me to rest. Halleluiah! My "big plan" for the evening after eating a turkey taco and taking my Excedrin is to warm up my "rice" heating pad in the microwave (I love that thing!) and put it on my head, lay in my bed and watch a little bit of TV and go to sleep very early.
I know this doesn't sound very exciting, but it's just my day today. The best thing about Monday is that Tuesday follows it and it's always an easier day!