The PF Women Team at our Annual Team Retreat ~ 2018 Today on Seth Godin's blog, he said: It's tempting to decide to make a profit first, then invest in training, people, facilities, promotion, customer service and most of all, doing important work. In general, though, it goes the other way. Yes, it does. If you are waiting to make a profit before you do these things, in my experience you're not going to make a profit. So many organizations, ministries and churches are struggling with financial issues. I know your pain. As anyone who follows our story knows, our ministry was in a ton of debt four years ago when I came on as director. Since that time, we've gotten out of debt and turned a profit every year. God has done amazing things through out team, for which we give Him the glory! I find that what Seth is saying here is absolutely true, with one disclaimer. For Christian leaders, spiritual disciplines must always be first. Before we started i...

At every church we have pastored, at some point we dealt with individuals who would leave signs around the church in abundance and they were not always of a positive nature although the people always thought they were doing something needful. There are times I've constructed a sign myself and then had to check myself and ask..."is this positive?" and "how is this looked upon by others who read it -- especially first time guests or newcomers?"
My husband often says that many churches are churches of "signs and wonders"...with all the SIGNS, it's a WONDER anyone gets saved!
I found this cartoon above and just had to chuckle...
Any other pastors/pw's deal with this? I'm sure you've all got your own stories to tell!
In MN a few years ago, there was a huge controversy over the "No guns permitted on the premises" signs - with the new concealed weapons laws, public places were required to put that sign in a prominent place if they DIDN'T want people carrying their weapons inside. Many churches felt that this just didn't send the right message for a place of worship, and there were huge protests staged...the whole works! All over a little sign.