1. Who is your man?? Larry Shrodes ~ hometown Pittsburgh, PA - we met in bible college at VFCC ~ in the cafeteria. He is lead pastor of Northside Assembly of God, Tampa, FL, my husband and the father of our three children, Dustin, Jordan and Savanna, and one child that awaits us in heaven.
2. How long have you been together?? Twenty years - married June 27, 1987 (Total 22 years if you include all the time we have known each other.) So this is our 20th year of marriage and full time ministry.
3. How long did you date?? A year and then engaged for a year.
4. How old is your man?? 39 and holding...
5. Who eats more?? It depends on what we're eating.
6. Who said I love you first?? I did.
7. Who is taller?? He is - he's 6'2, and I'm 5'5.
8.Who sings better?? Me - no contest.
9. Who is smarter?? It depends on the issue. With some things he is, and with some things I am.
10. Whose temper is worse?? Mine. Before he was saved his probably was but saved or not, I can raise the roof sometimes, unfortunately. There are times I would make even a serial killer quake in their boots. Usually to get over this feeling, I work out rather than hurt someone.
11. Who does the laundry? We both do.
12. Who takes out the trash?? Most times, him.
3. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?? Looking at the bed, he does, but sleeping in it, I do.
14. Who pays the bills?? We both earn money but he actually pays them and 100% deals with everything financially which I couldn't be happier about.
15. Who is better on the computer?? Setting it up? Knowing tech stuff? Him all the way, but e-mailing, blogging, message boards, websites...me.
16. Who mows the lawn?? Neither one of us. We have a lawn guy. But I do the weeding.
17. Who cooks dinner?? Most times me, but often Larry will help and sometimes Jordan does too.
18. Who drives when you are together?? He does. I hate to drive and want to read most times.
19. Who is the most stubborn?? Me, definitely me. Our friend Randy says, "if you want to guarantee something will be done just tell Deanna she can't accomplish it." :-)
20. Who kissed who first?? He kissed me.
21. Who asked out who?? He asked me.
22. Who proposed?? He did - on the beach in Avalon, NJ at sunset.
23. Who has more friends?? If you count people on line...me.