The boys went to a few concerts today and Morgan came home with us for the afternoon. The girls were good as gold. I came home and took an hour and a half nap and then got up to work on the house for Bridges (home fellowship group) but they had cleaned the bathroom for me, and done some other things. How wonderful! I just had to put some finishing touches on, finish the green beans and potatoes I made, light all the candles, and just a few other little things.
We hosted the Legacy group at our house tonight and it was a fantastic time as it always is. We love all the people of our church but there are specific things about various groups that we just really enjoy. The Legacy group (age 50+) is such a pleasure to be around...I love the conversation, the food (they all bring casseroles, pies, you name it, it's there! Of course this makes it hard to stay on program, but Larry and I did good, and I worked out hard on the elliptical afterwards tonight.)
We had a great time of fellowship around the dinner tables at our house and then we all met in our living room to just share a few things about ourselves. It was a great time of conversation, laughing, etc. No one in the Legacy group has kids at the church, (except us) so nobody had to go pick kids up and instead of taking our meeting til 8:00 we went til at least about 8:45. When we were done talking, Larry says, "okay, it's time for all you good people to go home so my wife and I can go to bed!" Everyone bursted out laughing and Alex Rivera said, "that new hairdo of yours must really be working!" It was so funny.
So much to do this week it's unbelievable...my initiative list is huge, more importantly, Larry is having his shoulder operation this week on Thursday. I'm happy and sad at the same time. I don't want him to have to to through it but at the same time, the doctor all but guarantees he is going to have full use of his arm back and will be back to normal. There are so many ways he is affected by this right now...no one has a clue. So in that respect I can't wait til it's over with...and he has gone through the rehab.
Well, it's time to snuggle up with the man and go to sleep...
Tomorrow, my week is going to take off like a rocket...