In celebration of this historic day, Pastor Tara Sloan and I announce the launch of our new blog, "Equal Time". We will both be the primary contributing writers on the blog however, it is also our goal to feature many articles by egalitarian writers.
We are so excited about this new venture and hope it is a blessing to you.
We are both blessed to be a part of the Assemblies of God fellowship, a group which celebrates women in leadership and officially holds an egalitarian view, meaning that we believe in the Biblical equality of women. In fact, our new superintendent-elect of the Assemblies of God, Rev. George O. Wood, has done some extensive Biblical research and much writing and speaking on this issue and is a passionate advocate for the equality of women. To read one of his sermons on this topic, go to Superintendent Elect Dr. George Wood.
It is our prayer that you will find Equal Time to be encouraging, empowering and thought provoking, not only for women, but for men too. Because equality for women is not just a women's issue...much like racial equality, it is all of our concern. We hope you stop by soon and visit us at "Equal Time."
e·gal·i·tar·i·an (ĭ-gāl'ĭ-târ'ē-ən) adj. Affirming, promoting, or characterized by belief in equal political, economic, social, and civil rights for all people
I LOVE your new idea!!!!!!!